Front Cover
1st spread
3rd page spread
If you recall, I had a problem with the spine, and ended up slicing it apart down the middle because it wasn't quite wide enough for the pages. I thought long and hard about how best to fix it. My first idea was to sew something, such as the spine of another book, over the cut, using the same stitching I used on other the pages. I quickly realized, however, that I couldn't do that because the pages were already glued in; there was no place to put the needle through. My second thought was yikes- I've totally ruined the whole thing. I was afraid that if I just glued some kind of paper onto it, it might not be strong enough to take the repeated opening and closing that the book was likely to have to endure, and wouldn't look right, besides. Luckily, while looking at book binding supplies for the guest book I'm making for my daughter's wedding, I happened to see this Lineco Satin Cloth Tape. I thought it was worth a try, so I ordered it, and it worked- in fact, the width was perfect. But the tape was so pretty and shiny and new-looking that it seemed out of place in contrast with the old, well-used appearance of the rest of the book. I attempted to resolve this by gluing on a 'skin' of dried acrylic gel I had peeled off from the earlier front cover fiasco. You can see this on the photo of the back cover, below. I'm still not sure about it, but have decided to leave it be for now.
back cover
FINI! (The End)