
Saturday, February 6, 2010

New Work on the Easel

It took me so long to finish The Traveler's Tale: Once Upon a Time, you thought I was a big ol' lazy slacker, am I right?  Well, you're right, but also wrong.  While I procrastinated on the final steps of that piece, I actually started working on a new one.   (If you haven't seen the progression, here are Once Upon a Time 1; Once upon a Time 2; Once Upon a Time 3; Once Upon a Time 4; Once Upon a Time 5; Once Upon a Time 6. )

I began with an old monotype of a woman floating in the water, which I cut down to a smaller size, making the figure a larger and more prominent part of the composition.  Because the figure was already there, I had a 'template', so to speak, which saved quite a bit of time.  I decided to use three values for the figure this time, instead of just two.  Once I decided where to delineate those, I cut and glued the map pieces.  Instead of maps, I used some monotype  fern pieces for her hair.

I'm not totally satisfied with it, but it's coming along.  The hair still needs some work.  I made the moon out of a large white map with nice blue lakes, then added some shading and craters to make it more 'moonish'.   I don't know what I want to do with the sky, and I'm not at all sure about the blue stuff at the bottom.  Any ideas?


Well, this is it, so far.  I welcome all comments, questions, suggestions, and answers.


  1. Sharmon, I really like what you're doing with this. It's great! I like the "blue stuff" at the bottom. The shape of it continues the circle started by the moon and embraces the figure in a nest, of sorts. As for the sky, I'm sure you'll come up with the perfect solution.


  2. Hey Sharmon,
    It's so very cool! I'm not going to give any advise because you certainly don't need from me. I love what your doing with this!!

  3. this is going so well! just listen to your muse!

  4. Don, Cat, and Manon- thank you all. I can't tell you how much your encouragement means to me.

  5. She's exquisite Sharmon...I see a woman birthing herself into being.

    btw here's a link to Carolynn's blog...she is doing a 3 part series on her experience of SoulCollage

  6. blue stuff at bottom is good, it looks like she rests upon it but also floats above it.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.