
Sunday, February 7, 2010


pure morning light is
captured and held by the snow
for just a moment

winter's spell so cold
holds us in  freeze-frame magic
still pause between breaths


  1. Love the close up of the sun shining though the snow laden fence Sharmon! Gorgeous.

  2. I really like all of these, and I especially like the one of the leaf!

  3. oh my heart is delighted by these Sharmon - just gorgeous!!

  4. I am so glad I got to enjoy this beautiful winter's morn in the front of the warm glow of my computer monitor. They are absolutely gorgeous photos, Sharmon. Great work! -Don

  5. Thanks to all of you! I'm so glad you enjoy them, because I had so much fun taking them, I stayed out until my toes and nose were froze!
    Don, to get the full experience where you live, just stick you feet into a bucket of!

  6. glorious glorious all...
    I adore the grid pattern on the last image.

    my fox friend has returned but our snow is gone so now she is once again invisible to the camera against her back drop of leaves.

  7. Oh these are such beautiful photographs, Sharmon. The first image that caught my attention when arriving on your blog was the
    painting (Prayer)at the top of your sidebar. It is stunning!

  8. your haiku does NOT suck!!! got any more? send them to me!

  9. Thanks, Patti-
    I don't think they're very good, but if I try any more, I'll send them to you!


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