
Thursday, February 6, 2014

What's on My Easel

I promised to show you what's on my easel, so here goes.  The piece on the left is one that was already deemed "finished"- an illustration for my yet to be written book, called, "Crow Creates the Night".

Crow Creates the Night (version 1)

Even though I thought it was finished, the crow's beak really bothered me because I felt it wasn't shaped like the one in "The Separation of Heron and Crow",

The Separation of Heron and Crow
and therefore would be too inconsistent if I ever do finish the book. Finally I decided to fix it, and here's what it looks like now.

Crow Creates the Night (version 2)

Changing it was very difficult, and at one point I was sure I had ruined it, but I'm much more satisfied with it now. 

The piece in the middle of the easel is kind of a re-do of part of an older piece which just wasn't working. I don't have a 'before' photo of it to show you, but several things were erased and a few were added. Right now I'm putting a chaotic flock of birds in the sky, flying as birds do when they're startled out of a tree or something.  The idea is to create a sense of unease here, giving the viewer a feeling that something ominous is about to happen.  I can't tell how this one will turn out, or even if I'll like it.

The third piece is the next illustration for my non-existent book, entitled, "Heron Creates the Day." I hope you're able to see the outlines of the heron, which at this point is just a sketch on a piece of tracing paper.  Hopefully, I will get to this one soon.



  1. entre trouve magnifique ..'la séparation'!

  2. I do love birds, i really do and these are so magical, wild and beautiful!

    Just today i've been drawing and looking at herons too, as the next of my animal and birds illustration will be the heron, wonderful bird and there quite a few living nearby here.

    1. Renilde, thank you so much for the kind words. Yes, as you can see, birds are a favorite of mine, and herons are one of my favorite birds. I can't wait to see your herons when you finish them!

  3. Oh Sharmon!! Love, love, love what you're doing!! I like the idea of your 'imaginary' book too!

    1. Thanks, Patti! I have to laugh about the 'imaginary' book, because that's about how likely it is to ever exist... but I'm trying...

  4. i agree with miz katie... : )

    LOVE the new crow's beak. i would've said that i loved the old one before i saw the new one... but that new one is *just right*

    everything is splendid, sharmon...


    1. Thanks for the 'new beak support', Lynne, and your other sweet words as well... xo

  5. Beautiful work. I'm also taken with "The Separation of Heron and Crow"...

    1. Thanks so much, Valerianna. The story is sort of my own made-up creation myth; hopefully it will eventually be finished.

  6. looking forward to signed copies of both your books Sharmon, when they're ready no rush!

    1. Mo, I'm looking forward to the exact same thing; good thing there's no rush! ;~)

  7. you are so talented, I really admire these pieces and of course the header still takes my breath away..

    1. Cat, thanks so much for the kind words... I truly do appreciate them!

  8. MMMM, Sharmon - I am glad I stopped by this evening on my way to sleep. My dreams will be influenced by these fine paintings. I want to read this book of yours when it becomes complete.

  9. Sus, I hope your dreams were influenced in a good way, and I want to read the book, too -haha! Thanks for stopping by! :~)


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