
Monday, January 27, 2014

A Little Inspiration on a Cold, Gray Day

I don't know about all of you, but this frigid gray weather is beginning to drag me down a bit.  I found this inspiring video about artist Kal Barteski, and thought I'd share it here.  Her determination to follow her dream has sustained her through grerat adversity, and I felt a keen sense of kinship with her.  In her story, I have found encouragement; I hope you will, too.

I've also been greatly inspired by artist/blogger Sophie Munns' work with seed biodiversity.  Like Kal, she uses her work to promote a cause she feels deeply about.

Kal and Sophie are superlative examples of how it's possible to put art to work in service to the greater good, and to remain true to ourselves while making art.


  1. I'm in Sophie's studio, it's Sam here.

    Sophie wants to say thank you so much for sharing her video and that you are now in the running for her original artwork!

    As for me....I also want to say hi! and thank you for commenting on my first blog on Sophie's site + supporting what I do. I really appreciate it!


    1. Hi Sam, I'm very pleased to meet you! You did a great job with the blog post, and I also like your "creatures".

  2. I have not viewed the video's yet, I can't get past your header which is stunning... well done...

  3. I belief your art-self comes from your very soul and it's SO evident as I've watched your work grow, change and evolve over the years. Thank you for your lovely comment on my post... I think I've finally found a true voice for the faces I paint. Good thing because you're right, it's kinda yucky out there. Let your light shine! xo

    1. Patti, you're right; in fact I believe your art-self IS your soul. Thank you for the lovely words, and keep up the good work!

  4. Thank you for sharing the Kal Barteski video -- it was exactly what I needed to see today! Just stopped by at your blog, as I do from time to time, and as always came away inspired. Hope good things keep coming your way, Sharmon.

  5. Thanks, Kathleen; I'm so glad you find something to inspire you here!

  6. i agree with Caterina, your banner is spectacular!! And Sharmon, I love the work that you are creating!!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.