
Thursday, February 20, 2014

RoyGBiv: Orange

What a wonderful time of year for orange! If there's anything we need more at this very gray and white time of year than a shot of orange (except Spring, of course), I don't know what it would be. Cheerful and bright, just the thought of zingy orange makes me feel a bit warmer.  I hope these photos will do the same for you. For even more orange, go to Jennifer Coyne Qudeen's lovely blog, where you'll find links to more Searching For RoyGBiv participants.

... this butterfly wisely chose the correct color when looking for a zinnia to drink from...

... a delicate orange shelf fungus on a log in the woods...

... a bright orange spotted salamander inside a hollow tree trunck...

... one of my favorites - a turk's cap lily from my garden last summer...

... fiery red-orange Indian paintbrush from my vacation in the Rocky Mountains...

... a variety of nice orange shades in this box of pastels...

...colorful sugar maples from a gorgeous past Fall...

... and this very brightly painted wall at the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen's gallery in Berea, Kentucky (the upper left piece is mine)...

Coincidentally, the outside of the gallery is also kind of orange!

Again, visit Jennifer's blog to follow the trail to more orange of all kinds!


  1. I love all of your oranges, but must admit that the last 2 are favorites. They make me a bit homesick for Berea. Haven't been back in...hmmm...8 or 9 years. Maybe this spring or summer. Thanks for joining in the search again!

    1. Oh, yes, Jennifer, do stop by Berea; the KGAC gallery is new, and very impressive. Berea is looking good!

  2. I love the delicate orange flowers and trees yet the orange pastel makes me say ahhhh!

    1. Yes, don't you just the intense concentration of color in them? I know I do!

  3. Love these oranges...such beautiful nature shots...especially that amazing salamander! The pastels are wonderful too! Thanks for playing Roy with us-Julie

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed my nature shots, as that's pretty much my constant subjects matter for photos. I'm having lots of fun with RoyGBiv so far!

  4. Right now here in Germany it's all gray and rainy all the time. So this post lifts up my spirits!
    I love all of your oranges, Sharmon.

    Have a lovely day.
    Gaby xo

    1. I'm glad the orange has lifted your spirits a bit, Gaby! We've had a rough winter here, too...

  5. Replies
    1. Yes, me too! We haven't seen much but gray, brown and white for a long time!

  6. not my fav color, but you make it look stunning... I will check out your links!

    1. Not really my fav either, Cat, but right about now anything bright looks pretty appealing to me! Thanks!

  7. Beautiful, rich and exotic! From gloomy grey UK February, these are such an uplift!

    1. Thanks, Charlton; I'm glad you enjoyed them. We haven't seen too many bright colors around here, either...

  8. Absolutely yummy oranges, Sharmon!
    Your new painting for Emma is a charmer.
    happy week to you, sus

  9. The pastel photo is so good! I'm also a fan of fungus. Over 20 years ago I had a gourmet mushroom business. It was more of a hobby we tried to make into a business. It was fun.

  10. Beautiful orange pictures. It's gray and rainy today in Belgium too.
    Thanks for visiting my blog!

    1. Thanks, Francoise, I'm glad you enjoyed the photos!


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