
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Time to Push?

I don't really have much time to read art business books or blog posts, but I try to spend at little a little bit of my rare and cherished free time learning about how to be an artist, as opposed to how to make art.  In truth, it's a pretty boring subject, but one that's important to those of us who aspire to attain even a modest amount of "success"- insert your own definition here - as artists.

So lately, things have begun to pick up a bit, and I have been selling some work, as well as being invited or selected by juries to participate in some fairly important exhibits. Recently, my work has been published in an art 'coffee table' book as well as on a book cover, and I've been notified of a show (possibly solo) coming up this year. So here's the thing: isn't this the time to push?  I mean, now that I've gained some momentum, I feel I should work as hard as possible to take advantage of it.

 Here are a few of the things I'm working on now:

 If you've been reading my blog lately you probably remember my Book of Secrets.  I've laid this one aside for a while to work on other things, while contemplating issues I still haven't found answers for, such as:

 Snakes eyes,...

                                                                                       ... or no snake eyes?
And what about the nagging questions around locks, latches, chains... or what?

Here's another piece in progress:

For this one, I cut some old book covers into panels, and attached an old 'star guide', game piece, puzzle pieces, and monotype scraps. 

I like how it's coming along so far, but my big question is how to attach the panels together.

I was thinking of something like hooking them together with large jump rings, but now I'm not sure.  Sew them onto ropes or cords of some kind, maybe?

  Stay tuned for the next post, because along with the answers to these and other burning questions,

... I'll show you, in depth, what's on my easel! 

So, what do you think?  Time to push?


  1. Congratulations Sharmon, you go girl! just put 110% of yourself into the work and see where it takes you, knowing there is always more questions every day!

    1. Thank you, Mo! But I thought I already was putting 110% of myself into it! ha! I don't know how I'd do much more unless I quit my day job, but I will certainly try for at least 120%!!

    2. hmmm... you are such a good artist Sharmon maybe it's time to cut the umbilical cord with the day job!? personally I enjoy the day job as a self employed gardener for the security of being able to pay the rent, the bills and eat food so I wake up at 2am to get the art work done before going out to work... friends ask if I sleep & I do have little cat naps when I can... it's not for everyone but it's one way of getting the work done in this lifetime!

    3. Mo, getting rid of the day job is part of my long-term plan; at the moment I also need the security of paying the rent, etc. However, I don't have the energy to get up at 2am... I admire your perseveance, and wish I wasn't so tired after teaching special needs kids all day...

  2. I f find when the moment comes to push I get deeply afraid. That follow through that's the hard part! The art is easy by comparison!

    1. I'm right there with you when it comes to the fear and the following through part, Gwen. Yes, it is hard, and scary, and I might (probably) fail. But I have to do what I can to grab any opportunity that comes my way, or I fail by default, you know?

  3. This is great Sharmon, go for it..Sounds like the right time for sure. I wish you the very best ..

    1. Thanks, Gwen; all your kind thoughts and good wishes are deeply appreciated!

  4. I really like your work. Each piece has so much to see, if one looks.

    1. Nancy, thanks so much for the kind words. I hope you'll visit again soon!

  5. des livres qui m'incites à lire , mais la peau de serpent me fait fuir! :)))))

    1. Elfi, I know the snakeskin is a little scary, but it has to gaurd the secrets inside, you see! ;)

  6. Congratulations Sharmon! Go for it! If you feel exhausted giving more than 110%, find the pace that feels comfortable to you. It's all trial and error. I actually like the snake eye beads (surprisingly) and love the look of Book of Secrets. Gorgeous header too.

    1. Thanks, Robyn. I really feel that I can't 110% or anywhere near it, since I have to work. I just plod on as best I can, trying very hard for that 110%. I was surprised about the snake eyes, too- didn't think I'd like the beads, but I do.

  7. I agree with Robyn ... Go for it! I too like the beads for eyes and connecting the panels sounds like a trial and error thing. Congratulations ... you have put yourself out there and you've received some good feedback ...enjoy!

    1. Thanks for all the kind words and continuous encouragement, Mary Ann! I am enjoying the good feedback and "going for it" the best I can while still working a day job!

  8. Sharmon your work is wonderful and I am delighted that you are getting it 'out there'! Push on!

    1. Thanks for all your support, Sus! My blogger friends have a lot to do with my ability to 'push on'!

  9. Sharmon, I don't think you need to push, just keep in the flow, which intuitively it seems you are doing. Keep up your practice, your learning about the practice and keep working. Your work is engaging exciting and obviously the universe is responding with more opportunities. So say yes to the ones that interest you, thank you- but move on to the ones that don't and go for it!

    1. Very good advice, Nanci; I understand what you mean about keeping in the flow. There is a way to push just hard enough, I think, so that you stay in the flow and get it to carry you to the optimum extent possible, if that makes sense. And of course, that includes saying no where it's appropriate. Thanks for the encouragement!

  10. I am staying tuned. I find both this book and the new piece -- as well as the questions you ask -- very compelling!

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Seth, and for the kind words! hope you are well!

  11. Hello to you, Sharmon .... stopping by for the first time via Robyn's blog & so pleased to have landed in such an interesting place. You have much good stuff going on here! Going to take a little time to look around.

    And for what it's worth ... I think you are already pushing.


    1. So pleased you stopped by, Christi, and thanks for the kind words. When I think about it, you're right - I am already pushing. For some reason I keep thinking I should be able to push more, though... something to consider...


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.