
Friday, July 15, 2011

Upcoming Exhibitions and Anne Percoco

On July 29, I'll be exhibiting my work at Art After Hours, along with several other local artists.  Here's the brochure (click for larger view):

It's at the Campbell County Library in Cold Spring, Kentucky.  If you're in northern Kentucky, please stop by, enjoy the art, drink some wine (proceeds go to the library), have some hors d'oeuvres and fancy desserts, and listen to live music.  It should be a lot of fun!

And now, for something completely different.
This intriguing article and interview about artist Anne Percoco at the Artslant Rackroom caught my attention recently.   Percoco uses a variety of diverse media, from collage to sculpture to installation to public art projects, to call attention to environmental issues.  Her work melds art with social/environmental activism by re-using found or recycled materials, thus forcing the viewer to think about where those objects come from, and where they will ultimately go.

 For instance, her new series of collages, entitled Field Studies, depicts forests composed entirely of images from discarded phonebooks, which were once trees.

 I was fascinated by her series of Shrines dedicated to the drainage system at Rutgers University, which flows into a New Jersey river.  She's now conducting workshops for a similar project involving the Gowanus Canal in Brooklyn, as part of the Flux Factory's Sea Worthy events: "In this workshop, participants will convert an old boat into a mobile shrine, constructed from primarily scrap material, and will travel along the now EPA Superfund site of the Gowanus Canal."

Here's a very cool Blurb book about her Indra's Cloud project in India:

And more good news, with absolutely no segue.

 I'm happy to report that one of my monotypes, Prayer, will be included in an exhibition at the Kentucky Museum of Art and Craft in Louisville.  Of the approximately 360 members of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen, the work of 52 artists were chosen to represent the guild in an exhibit celebrating the 50th anniversary of the KGAC.  The exhibit is titled Moving Forward/Circling Back: Celebrating 50 Years of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen, and will run from July 30 - October 15, 2011. There will be an opening reception on Thursday, August 11.  I feel very grateful and honored to be a part of it.  If you can come to the reception, I'd love to see you!

p.s. I feel I should apologize for the disjointed and disorganized structure of this post.  I also feel pretty sure you don't want to hear the story of how it turned out this way.  Suffice it to say that Blogger and I are no longer friends.


  1. lol...blogger and friendship....right:) well if I lived closer I would definitely be there for the opening....and even though blogger betrayed your was an interesting post...have a super weekend!!!

  2. Pity I live in Australia or I'd be there with bells on. Like all friends, blogger can sometimes be contrary but old friendships are good ones.

  3. Thanks, Jo, Cynnie... are you sure you can't move just for me? lol!

  4. j'ai découvert de n'être pas encore abonné.. voilà que c'est réparé!


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