
Monday, July 11, 2011

Altered Book Thingie Part 2

I finished the second part of the collage/assemblage/altered book thingie!  If you didn't see the first part, it's in the previous post.

Ingredients:  vintage book cover, monotype, caran d'ache crayons, watercolor pencils

 Soon I hope to have the middle part done, and then put it all together, so stay tuned...


  1. wow - I love the work you're doing!! your book thingie certainly is an original, like you, and seems to represent the array of technique/media you manage to beautify!

  2. This is crazy good, a wonderful beginning. I'll be watching for more postings. Great!!

  3. Fantastic to visit today and see so much wonderful work going on Sharmon....

    the post on the workshop was fascinating.. I took note of the cloth filled with seeds to rub over the piece you were working on.
    How briliant to learn all these ancient techniques...what a treat!

    Great to see this lovely productiveness and gorgeous work happening!

  4. This image in my sidebar had me racing over to have a closer look. Lovely work, Sharmon!

  5. wow this is so unusual, its wild and unrestrained and it works!

  6. well first, love the new work and second that class looks like it was really fascinating...

  7. a mighty fine thingy thus far!

  8. Patti- This is a new adventure, and I'm really in a learning curve here... thanks so much!

    Thanks, Mary Ann- I hope to do more of these, if this one works out.

    Sophie, thanks for visiting. Yes, these ancient techniques are fascinating; I keep imagining the people who did this so long ago...

    Thank you, Robyn!

    Paula, thanks for the lovely compliment- "wild and unrestrained"- I love that!

    Thanks, Cat. It was a cool class.

    Thanks, Deb. I feel self-conscious about it- afraid the book binders might be offended that I tore up old books! I'm glad you like it!

  9. absolutely gorgeous Sharmon!! I'm loving your new adventure :)

  10. Very original work. I love the idea, the workmanship, your originality.

  11. FABULOUS!!! I love trees and this is stunning on the cover like this!!!


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