
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

At last!

I finished it several days ago, but didn't have time to photograph until yesterday, and the mica is very difficult to photograph, so I had to do it again today. 

Here it is, parts to whole- sort of:

right  side

left side

detail of the spine (not too great; I'm going to have to fix this so the mica lays more flat against the paper)

the whole enchilada (no, that's not the title; any ideas?)

ingredients: vintage book cover (and other parts), vintage children's writing paper, vintage sewing pattern fragment, monotype, image transfers, mica, embroidery floss, tissue paper, ink jet prints, Caran D'ache crayons, watercolor pencils

techniques/methods: printed, cut, glued, drawn, stitched


  1. Complex, rich,.... and luscious. Clever you.

  2. This is fantastic! I love all the textures and layers.

  3. All the adjectives. That old book probably sucked. What an improvement. Will there be any edits to the insides? Very cool idea.

  4. sharmon, i always say the same thing - WOW!! guess that's as articulate as i can get here. ; )

    this all flows together so beautifully... i adore everything about it, and it makes me *seriously* want to work on a book cover.


  5. Wonderful piece. Truly inspiring!

  6. Everyone before me has said it...this piece is truly beautiful...congratulations, it sings!

  7. Fantastic and fascinating!

    As far as title suggestions?

    My right brain says "Stitching Together Life".
    My left brain says "Xs and Os".
    My mid brain says such things are best left to the artist. But I agree, "The Whole Enchilada" doesn't quite get it for me either.

    Good going. I love the altered book thingy thing.

  8. Gosh- you all are so kind!

    Jo, Don Pezzano,- Thanks so much! It's truly gratifying that you like it so much.

    Don- Thanks for the compliment! I appreciate your suggestions, but I'm going to have to think on that title a bit more. ;~)

  9. Why mince's fabulous! Well worth the struggle...if you can call having such fun a struggle.

  10. Love it Sharmon, especially the tree...really speaks to me!


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