
Saturday, February 27, 2016

Weekly Quick Collage: Yellow-legs in Manitoba Slough

Yellow-legs in Manitoba Slough
collage, 7 x 5.5 inches

The love of wilderness is more than a hunger for what is always beyond reach; it is also an expression of loyalty to the earth, the earth which bore us and sustains us, the only paradise we shall ever know, the only paradise we ever need, if only we had the eyes to see ...  No, wilderness is not a luxury but a necessity of the human spirit, as vital to our lives as water and good bread.                                                                                         
                                                                                                    ~ Edward Abbey, Desert Solitaire

It is only when we are aware of the earth and of the earth as poetry that we truly live.

                                                                                         ~ Henry Beston, 1935, Herbs and the Earth


  1. j'aime quand tu te promènes avec les oiseaux,pinceaux et couleurs :)))

  2. I think this is a favorite. Also love the quotes. xoxo

    1. Thanks so much, Annie! And I'm glad you enjoyed the quotes, too; I found them inspirational. xoxo

  3. "If you want inner peace find it in solitude, and if you would find yourself, look to the land from which you came and to which you go." Thoreau

    1. Wonderful quote, Ken - I love this. I will add it to my quote book!

  4. we all need to fall in love with our beautiful Earth over and over every day

    1. So well said and beautifully worded, Mo; this would have been a perfect quote for the post! And I couldn't agree more!


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