
Saturday, February 20, 2016

Drawing Challenge: Cocoon

This week's drawing challenge, hosted by Patrice, is COCOON. An fascinating concept to me, since much of my art has transformation, or metamorphosis, as a continuing theme. A cocoon is something that protects and provides safety as that process takes place, until the new, transformed being is ready to emerge.

Chrysalis I

I am currently in a particularly transformative and difficult period of my life. Major change is always a challenge for me; it feels safer to cling to the status quo, to stay where I am rather than venture into new territory. For many of us, change is scary.  For me, it is a struggle not to let that fear rule my life.

Chrysalis II

I recently read a truly moving and inspiring post about fear on Crystal Neubaur's wonderful blog. Her writing on the subject is both eloquent and thoughtful; it gave me some important insights and made me feel less alone.  I strongly encourage you to read this wonderful piece here.

One of the greatest discoveries a man makes, one of his great surprises, is to find he can do what he was afraid he couldn't do.                                                            ~ Henry Ford

There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.                                                                                                 ~Anais Nin

Head over to Patrice's beautiful blog to see more interpretations of COCOON.


  1. The flowing lines, the colours, the softness, the mystery, the innate beauty of this work reminds me of William Blake's work. The blues with touches of gold (warm) highlights is so indicative of light, of sun, of a forward push to tomorrow's promise to my mind's eye. Lovely beautiful work. *smiles* Norma

    1. Norma, thanks so much for the kind words. I'm sure I'm not worthy of being compared to William Blake, on of my artistic heroes. xox

  2. Chrysalis 1 is the most beautiful painting dear Sharmon, and my whole heart went out to it the minute I saw it. Tell me about major changes! My last child is about to move to Japan for a year! How I'll miss her. And I also know the feeling of having to subdue the terror. Foe me it's usually health related and I just have to say to myself, "right now, there's nothing wrong. Right now, everything's just fine." Hang in there girl. If there's anything I can do please just bung me an email and we can skype a chat. Big hugs.

    1. Veronica, you're so sweet; you have no idea what your support means to me. I don't know what I'd do if one of my children moved to Japan, so I feel for you. I told them they're not aloud to move more than a day's drive away - lol! I'm sure it's going to be a wonderful experience for your daughter, though, and that year will fly by quickly. My fears are also health-related, but it's mental health - anxiety disorder and depression - and I had to quit working because of it. Now I don't know how to put my life back together. I know you had a big health scare, and that it must weigh heavily on your mind. I understand that. You hang in there, too. My computer doesn't have a camera, but we could chat by way of facebook. Big hugs back to you, dear!

  3. right! that john wayne quote captures me right from the start, and i've earmarked that article, will read it later, when the dark sets in. the article will endure darkness. thank you for that.
    as for cocoons that will protect us.. we so need them. feel safe, sharmon and yes! do leap. we are here! x n♥

    1. Thank you, sweet Nadine, for all your support. It really means a lot to me. I hope you enjoy the article - I thought it was very inspirational.

  4. Hi Sharmon! Your work always has such depth and seems so personal...I guess that's why I enjoy it so much :) They are both beautiful but I particularly love the second one.

    1. Thank you, Leesa, for your very kind words about my art. I always feel gratified that some one enjoys it. The second one is my favorite too.

  5. I do think this theme fits you so well. Yes, change can be scary, but for sure your art(making) helps you. - eric

    1. Yes, Eric, this was a perfect theme for me. My art-making is something I can always depend on to get me through the rough times...

  6. i understand your feelings of challenge over change,
    i can be that way as well.
    afterwards, after learning a new place, stance, ways, there often comes a feeling of joy in learning, adapting and thriving where there once was fear and other feelings.
    i enjoyed your quotes on change.
    Your art is gorgeous.

    1. Yes, I think many of us struggle with change, but you're right, there is much to be gained by working it through and learning to adapt. Thanks so much for the sweet words about my art!

  7. You make me feel less alone. Thank you.

    1. Lucia, if I can make someone feel less alone, I've done something important. I know very well what it's like to feel alone, how painful it can be. Yet many of us have similar experiences, and don't talk about them. Big hugs to you. xo

  8. This work reaches out and touches on so many levels...beautiful Sharmon!

  9. love your chrysalides, the space in between where anything is possible


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.