
Thursday, August 14, 2014

Weekly Quick Collage Two-fer: A Bit of Cheating

I guess you could technically say that I cheated on these, which is why I decided to put them both in one post. Though all the added materials were found on my work table (except for the stitching, of course), these collages are pieces of an old collage that I cut up. I was unsatisfied with it as a whole, but it had some parts that I really liked too much to just throw it away. So, I cut out those redeemable parts and added new materials to them. I actually think I like these enough now to consider them finished work.

 Map I          6.5 x 5 inches
 ingredients: vintage maps, decorative paper, joss paper, vintage book pages, metallic pens, artist pens, eyelet, stitching

Map II            4.75 x 3.13 inches
 ingredients: vintage maps, vintage notebook scrap, joss paper, vintage book pages, metallic pens, watercolor pencils, lace

Anyway, who's to say what's cheating - I make the rules here, right?   ;-)


  1. That is so interesting. Just today I cut up a collage I was unsatisfied with and filed the pieces away hoping to use them in another piece. Yours are beautiful. And inspiring. Thanks for sharing this.

    1. Janet, thanks for the kind words. I think recycling your older work is a wonderful thing to do; hopefully you will make something beautiful from them.

  2. Sharmon, I just want you to know that not only are you my wonderful, beautiful, awesome sister, but I think you are the most extraordinary and talented artist I have ever seen. I truly do look up to you and admire you! <3

    1. Cheryl, that is the sweetest thing ever! Love you much!

  3. tu as des trésors sur ta table.. et tu sais faire des merveilles avec!

    1. Thank you, Elfi! These collages did benefit form my tendency not to put things away. Glad you enjoy them!

  4. However you get to the final destination is of no consequence. What matters is the final image that you are happy with. Decisions to destroy and reconstruct are all valid on the journey.

    1. I agree with you completely, Jo! In fact, many of my finished pieces have bits and parts of old artworks in them. I'm a big believer in recycling!

  5. These are fabulous - always love your choice of color and compositions. And it's not cheating - your worktable - your stuff, right!

    1. Judy, thanks for the compliment! You're right, it's not really cheating - I just didn't make these quite "from scratch" as I have my other quick collages. You could say I had a bit of a head start!

  6. Hi Sharmon! Hey I see The Bay of Fundy waterforce has become part of your piece. Very Cool. Love the composition.

    1. Yes, Gwen; I thought of you when I was working with that map piece! Thanks!

  7. "Cheating" huh. Well, whatever you wanna call it, just keep doing it 'cause it's pretty great. :)

    1. Thank you for the sweet compliment, Verna. And don't worry, I will keep doing it!

  8. This is my first visit to your blog, and your work is so inspiring - along with your thoughtful explanations. I especially love your banner!

    1. Jocelyn, what a sweet thing to say! Thanks so much for visiting!

  9. I like them both, but the first one goes right in my list of top favs, really beautiful.

    1. Annie, I'm really glad you like it! Thanks for stopping by!

  10. These are so very beautiful Sharmon! I love the colours, the shapes and patterns, the stitching, and the beautiful bits of maps. And rules that you set can be very flexible.

    1. Thank you for the sweet words, Kim; I'm so glad you like them! And if you can't break your own rules, whose can you break, right?


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