
Friday, August 8, 2014

Weekly Quick Collage: Imaginary Landscape

Imaginary Landscape         5 x 5 inches

This one is very different from the weekly collages I've done so far; in both style and materials, it's much more like the pieces in my long-onging series called Transformations. These are loosely landscape-based collages I make from scraps of old monotypes, all 7 x 7 inches.

Hope you enjoy it!


  1. It's wonderful! Love the colors and the composition.

  2. Beautiful!!! I love the combination of colors, the orange and the blue are just stunning together!

  3. Love the colors and design element of the picture but the textural quality really grabs me! As I look through, your work is gorgeous! Thank you for the visit and your kind words!

    1. Sharon, thanks so much for the nice compliment about my work. Hope you stop by again soon!


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