
Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I have photographed my stacks for Seth Apter's Stacks Project, and here they are.  These are my stacks of vintage books, which seem to be growing.ever taller. I'm kind of obsessed with collecting them.  Some of them will be used for mixed media and altered book projects, and others I just love to marvel at. 

Who doesn't have stacks of stuff sitting around?  If you're an artist, you're bound to have at least one- it must be some kind of rule, or law.  Or is it that we're all messy, or hoarders?  Anyway, we might as well admit it.  Seth's gone so far as to embrace it, and put links to all the hoarders'- uh, I mean- artists' photos on his blog, the Altered Page.  Check them out here.

And don't forget to sign up for my give away!  All you have to do is leave a comment on the previous post.


  1. Loving the vintage books. And I think you are right...for artists, stacks are the law!

  2. That's it! And all this time I thought I was a hoarder... I'm really a nacent artist, seeking my unique voice, amid the piles! What will I (um) create next?

  3. sharmon, if you see me outside your house, bar the door. do NOT let me in. if you do, you will never see these books again... ; )


  4. love those books! i love vintage ones too and never seem to be able to turn them down.

  5. What wonderful stacks of beautiful old books. I love them. Old books have a beauty and smell that compares to nothing else. I hoard them, too.

  6. Yes, I am a hoarder, and lov'in it! (heheeheee)
    Great "stack" of books! Thanks for sharing :]

  7. I love your collection of old books. Some covers are perfect for altering.

  8. I can't help gasping in delight when I see a stack of vintage books...just lovely! so hard for me to actually alter them because they are so wonderful, but what a stack of potential!

  9. I wish I could sit and rummage through your stack of gorgeous books!!! I love old books and paper -- the way it feels, the way it smells.

  10. Lovely collection of books. I could happily wallow in those.

  11. WOW those look like some fabulous books...I think it is wonderful that you rescue them and stack them high!
    Stack On

  12. Old books, my personal favorite kind of stack.
    I have more than a few stacks too. I am also suffering from stack envy. I wonder if some of the master stackers would come and restack my stacks. Thanks for sharing, would love to peek through your old books
    Keep smiling and creating

  13. je suis en pour traduire c'est plus vais relire ..une fois à domicile!

  14. Wonderful stacks! Very nice, indeed!!

  15. Mmm, books. Love the feel, smell, history of old books.

  16. Your stacks made me smile. I know my home wouldn't feel right without all my stack of books, old and new, in just about every room. It's so nice to see that there are so many others out there who feel the same.

  17. I SO enjoy vintage books. The pictures are always so well made and the font is usually different than we see in modern books. Love your photos of these beauties. Sorry I'm late arriving, but I've been taking a long look at all the stacks.

  18. What beautiful stacks! I love how you keep some of your vintage books just to marvel at! I would too... You have an amazing collection here. Hope your school year has started well!

  19. Greetings Sharmon,

    I too am in love with old books and started collecting back in the mid-sixties when I was only a teenager. I felt I was the caretaker of these books and the memories of the previous owner, but I also was in love with the typesetting, especially letterpress editions.

    When I cut up my first book, it was not only very difficult for me to do, it was also painful, even though it was a mass-produced book.

    This love for books and my profession as a graphic designer all came together in the late eighties when I started working for a west coast publisher and even thoughI am no longer working due to the economy and for health reasons, once in a while a book project comes my way, it seems, I am in love again.

    I was delighted to learn this morning that you have proclaimed me the winner of your give away—Thank you so very much.

    Warmest regards,

  20. still working my way through seth's list. beautiful vintage books!


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