
Monday, October 18, 2010

(Late) Weekend Update

I've been so busy lately that I haven't posted in more than a week!  It's hard to believe it's been that long; time flies when you're struggling to keep up, and apparently it's gotten further ahead of me than ever.  I haven't kept up with my blog reading very well, and when I have looked at your posts, I haven't always had time to leave comments.  But my thoughts have been with you all, my bloggy buddies; your friendship is very important to me.

One thing I need to tell you is that my studio vignette is being featured in Chapter 6 of

 (click image to go there)

at Seth Apter's wonderful blog, The Altered Page.  If you're not familiar with this project, Studioscapes is part of the fourth edition of The Pulse, an ongoing "survey in words and pictures of the online arts community."  Seth has conceptualized and facilitated (meaning he has worked his butt off!) the entire thing, and has created an amazing wealth of shared information.  You can find links to the other parts of The Pulse on Seth's sidebar.  I feel very lucky and honored to be included in the project.

I haven't had much time to make art at all, but I'll show you the tiny bit of progress I've made with the current piece.  Here is where it started... and it ended up looking like this:

 ... and here it is now.  It came together so easily in the beginning, but now I'm sort of stuck! Can't worry about it right now, though.

 I have spent much of this weekend framing the remainder of the work for my show in Richmond, Virginia. Anyone who has followed my blog for a while knows how I feel about framing, so lets just not go there!

 Here's the invitation card for the show.  If you're in the area, I hope to see you there!

Here are some of the pieces that will be in the exhibit:

Transformation 24



Transformation 18

 Kalachakra Matrix


Transformation 10

Sacred Geometry

I'll miss you all while I'm in Virginia!  I'll be "unblogged" for about a week or so, but then I'll be back with news to share!  Adios, mi amigos!  Au revoir!


  1. Astounding transformation series. I'm new to your work here and I hope your show will be a success.
    xoxo Kim

  2. Absolutely gorgeous and so inspiring! Good luck with the show!

  3. The current piece...I just love it. I guess it isn't going to be in the show, but maybe it can go in the next one? Hoping it all goes well.

  4. All the best for your show Sharmon. I love Seedling and the piece you are working on looks very promising.

  5. What beautiful work!!! Thanks for the art show...loved it!!

  6. All the best to you and your show. What a wonderful way to be busy...enjoy...enjoy! I like this first piece very will wait for your return. The pieces for the show are great "Sacred Geometry" is one of my favorites.

  7. Truly beautiful work Sharmon, I wish I could come to see it, and feel the sacred energy of it in person. Wishing you a wildly successful exhibition!!
    xoxox Karin

  8. Each and everyone of them is a gorgeous piece of work. Very beautiful, wonderful colours, great images.

    Sweet greetz!

  9. I have been away teaching a workshop and back now trying to catch up- and have not posted in weeks- so do not feel back for not posting in a week.
    Best wishes for a good show- your series looks great.

  10. looks wonderful! wish i could attend. have a great show!

  11. all fantastic news and views my dear!!!

  12. I so appreciate all your good wishes, my dear friends! Thanks for support, always. you guys are the best! xxoo

  13. Complex, intriguing work. Thanks for leaving us so much to gaze at and contemplate upon while you're gone!

  14. HOKEY SMOKES!!! You had your opening and I missed it! I am very with many of us... this has been, for me too, a time of much focus and lots of teaching.

    Your work looks gorgeous...I am so happy for you!!!!!!!

    cyber hugs

  15. Don't worry, Donna; looks like you've had your hands full lately, doing some wonderful, inspirational things! Of course, I would've loved seeing you, but everything went well. Many cyberhugs and cyberkisses to you!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.