
Sunday, October 24, 2010

I Did It! (thanks to Eleanor)

This short quote has become my mantra:
You must do the thing you think you cannot do.  –Eleanor Roosevelt

You see, I've been a big chicken for a long, long time.  I made some unfortunate decisions, and the consequences left me nearly unable to make any decision whatsoever.  You could say that self confidence has not been my strong suit.  I've been working on it, though.  Whenever I begin thinking, "That's just too hard", or "I don't have the time or energy to do that", or, "I'm not good/strong/smart/whatever enough to...", I make myself repeat, over and over:
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do." ...etc. ....

I applied for an exhibit at the Artspace Gallery in Richmond, Virginia, and to my surprise, I was notified that the jury had decided to offer me a show!  I was in shock; what had happened to the usual rejection letter?  Now what do I do?
The usual doubts flooded in.  How could I do this by myself?  Would I be able to drive so far alone?  Could I afford the trip?  How would I get everything done while working full time?  Would I be able to hang it by myself?  Could I take off work that long?  There were a thousand reasons it might not work out.  Maybe I should turn it down, I thought.  It seemed like, well- the safest thing to do.

"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."  I don't remember where I first read them (probably on someone's blog), but I do remember the feeling of recognition, of knowing deep in my bones that those words were true.  How many times had I told my students the same thing- that self esteem comes only from accomplishing something difficult, that no growth comes from taking the easy way out?  So, I signed the contract, and did what I had to do.  Whenever I felt like chickening out, I repeated those words.

And here's what happened as a result.

 My husband was able to go with me, and we got the show hung on time, with no major problems.

The gallery was in an old warehouse, which also housed several other galleries that had openings the same night.  It was a nice space.

You can't tell from the pictures, but the opening was well attended.

Everything went pretty smoothly, and we had a great time!

In other words,
I did it!

That Eleanor, she really knew what she was talking about.


  1. CONGRATULATIONS!!! that's awesome, and great mantra. i need to use it as well :)

  2. Wow!! Congratulations. Hope it's the first of many.

  3. Yay, Sharmon! Your work looks wonderful on the walls. Your name looks wonderful on the glass. And, you look wonderfully happy! YOU DID IT!


  4. Congratulations and it's all true, if you don't try, it'll never happen!


  5. sharmon that's so cool, you have your name on the door!! Well done, it looks great, have very very satisfying.

  6. Well done Sharmon!!! What a feeling of accomplishment and progress!

  7. Ta Da! What an inspiring story of perseverance, of telling yourself "yes, I can."

  8. Congratulations! The show looks wonderful and you look happy! This is courage and stuff of heroes...Eleanor gave good advice!

  9. How wonderful Sharmon! The show looks terrific and what a great photo of you with your name. Congratulations....and very well deserved. So happy for you!

  10. Congratulations!! And a very good quote...

  11. Nothing quite like seeing one's name up in lights--or written on a gallery window! I know the work that goes into not only making the art, but in seeking out exhibiting spaces, packing and shipping, and hanging a show. In the end, it does give a wonderful sense of accomplishment; and it's so gratifying to see one's work on walls where it can be shared with the public. Congratulations! A very inspiring post and a mantra that I must start chanting myself in many areas of life.

  12. Congrats! Of course you did it! Never doubt yourself!

  13. Never doubt it Sharmon, you've done some great pieces, time the world got to see them in real life!
    Congrats on the show, and heck yeah, I'm just a little jealous but really happy for you!

  14. Thank you, everyone, for your kind words. I don't think you'll ever really know how much they mean to me. What kind, supportive, encouraging people you all are; I'm so lucky to know you!

  15. Darlin' Sharmon...

    Green light!!!!

    Your work and you are radiant!!
    I'm dancin' in your honor...twirl twirl ;-)

  16. Green light, indeed, Donna! Let's twirl together!

  17. AWESOME!!!! I love your expression next to the sign with your name in huge letters!!! So proud of you!!!!

  18. I'm actually kind of proud of me, too, Laura! Thanks, big hugs!

  19. Good going! That's simply wonderful.

  20. OH, this is So Great!!
    I love it that you broke through the veil... I know how hard that can be sometimes.
    Eleanor is a wonderful teacher, eh?

  21. So here is the answer to my question. I did not have to look long! I am so happy for you - well done and inspirational.


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