
Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just Checkin' In

Time is zipping on by, and I don't have much time, but just wanted to check in with my blogger buddies and share a quick bit of news. 

I have two pieces in this exhibit at the Berea Arts Council, which features members of the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen.  If you're in the area during the next month and a half, please stop and have a look.

In today's mail, I found something wonderful!  My talented friend Debra Eck, of Dryadart's Weblog, had sent me some treasures!

Maps!  Pretty much my favorite thing ever, and these are great, mostly from old encyclopedias.  Two of them are pictured above.  Thanks, Deb- as my students would say, you rock!

I hope you are all enjoying every minute!  Bonsoir!


  1. wow - two pieces! I haven't been to Berea in a long time but I'll just have to go! Thanks for your wonderful comment on my ICI post and, in fact, my next one includes drug companies:)
    oh, and those maps?? awesome, I love maps too, for some reason. though I just helped my daughter study for a geography test that had me googling for sure!

  2. oh great maps and I know you will put them to good use and congrats on your show! I know it will do well, art sales have really picked up for me anyway!!

  3. Ah, a girl can't have too many maps right?

  4. Hi Patti, you should check out all the art in Berea, especially Promenade Gallery (shameless self- promotion!). They really do have some beautiful stuff there, though. I'll be looking for your post on drug companies... if I can keep my blood pressure down long enough to read it! lol!

    Cat, i can't wait to use the maps- my head is filling up with ideas! I hope you're right about the art sales.

    yes, Whitney- that's my life motto! Do they make bumper stickers that say that?


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.