
Monday, September 20, 2010

Cheering Up

This wasn't at all what I had planned for today's post, but I need a little cheering up.   So I decided to share  photos of some things that make me smile...

Not too many things make me happier than the Rocky Mountain views at Glacier National Park...

It's the most beautiful place I've ever seen...

... so lovely, it takes your breath away.

How can you not smile at this?

My son putting silly hats on the dog...

...butterfly parties...

...our little piece of heaven in the country...

...on the Kinneyconnick Creek...

...and goofy Christmas morning smiles...

Okay, I've just realized this could go on for a very long time.  It's pretty incredible, when I think about how many things I have to smile about; I'm just barely getting started...

I don't know about you, but I'm definitely feeling better already!


  1. These are such wonderful shots of the mountains to start my day. I wasn't needing cheering up, but now I feel better as well!

  2. Butterfly parties! great concept. I think u are blessed.

  3. You are making me smile too! Butterfly cool is that??? amazing mountain views...happy kids...And silly dog antics...well my fave clown dog is laying next to me in a contorted pose as well. I hope you are indeed feeling better now. Life is good. It is.

  4. yes, you have a GREAT DEAL to smile about and be happy about-- how wonderful for you to recognize and celebrate all the good things in your life.

  5. yes, this all makes me smile too! when I first saw the mountain photo - before reading - I thought, dang, I didn't know NKY looked like that! ha. great,fabulous photos. I want your piece of heaven in the country - is it a long drive from where you live?

  6. Hi Annie. I tell everyone that if they ever have a chance, they should visit Glacier, and I truly mean that. You will not be sorry.

    Hi Laura; thanks for the kind words.

    mansuetude, it was a butterfly party! I walked around to the back of the house, and there they all were; I have no idea why. I agree, I am blessed, indeed.

    Life is good, Laura; that's something I never want to forget. My dogs are there to remind me of that. Putting the post together really did make me feel better!

    Yes, Donna, my advice is, if ever you feel sad, just look through your photos- it worked for me!

    Patti, didn't you know we had those mountains in northern KY? How did you miss those?
    My place in the country does have bigger hills than here- not quite as big as the Rockies, though! lol!
    It's in Lewis County, about 1 and 1/2 hours from here.

  7. Well, I'm smiling! That pup must be so soft and silky to touch. The photos of the mountains are immediately up lifting.... and the butterflies! ...a joy to behold.

  8. Oh yes i'm feeling much better now, really! Tnx for making me smile, i just needed it. :-)
    Love all the photo's and what beautiful nature.

    Sweet greetz!

  9. Great fotos...beautiful landscapes, pets, kids....made me smile.

  10. I'm a little late stopping by yet wanted to let you know that many of the places and sensations that you share as happy-makers feel like a fit for me too...from Glacier National Park, where I camped for two weeks, to puppy smiles and country getaways, to children to love and most definitely butterfly parties.

    What a gift you share in turning the day around.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.