
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Recent Developments

Transformation 43 was chosen by my client to go with her other two pieces, and will be shipped off to its new home next week.  Yay!
 Transformation 43

Five pieces of my work have been accepted into the 12th Annual Collage, Digital, and Mixed Media Juried Online International Art Exhibition at the Upstream People Gallery.  Transformation 42 won an award of Special Recognition. The exhibit can be viewed here.

 Transformation 42

My work will be included in A Summer Collection: Works from the Kentucky Guild of Artists and Craftsmen  from August 6th through September 10th at the Scott County Arts and Cultural Center, located at 117 North Water Street in Georgetown, Kentucky.  This show runs in conjunction with the World Equestrian Games, so hopefully it will be well attended.  The opening reception will be on Friday, August 6, from 6:00 until 8:00 pm.

My solo show at the Artspace Gallery in Richmond, Virginia will be in the Frable Gallery from October 22 until November 21.  That's all I know right now, but I'll share more details as things progress.

  Frable Gallery

While visiting Berea on Tuesday, I found out that another piece had sold, and I need to take more work down to the Promenade Gallery!  I guess I'd better get to work!

currently on my easel

Now, I'm off to my place in the country for a few days of R & R.  When I come back, it's time to get serious!


  1. Bravo Sharmon! !
    All such wonderful and well deserved're a shining star... isn't it a great feeling to have destinations for your lovely work...the best!

  2. that all sounds excellent!! What a boost! Enjoy your much needed time off.

  3. Dang Sharmon, What are you trying to do, be a successful artist or something????
    Congrats on everything! I know you have put a lot into the journey and it's taking you to some wonderful places.

  4. Transformation 43 is a beauty! I so like seeing the inside of the gallery! Congratulations!

  5. Well done Sharmon! Enjoy your break in the country and then it's back to the grindstone.

  6. So proud to know you Sharmon...the world is a better and more inspiring place because of the beauty you add to it...not just through your work, but because you are YOU...and that shines through everything you create!

  7. Congrats and kudos on all of your endeavors. This is superb work! Your textures, color and compositions are amazing; I love the overhangs into the white areas.

  8. A big congrats on all your successes and acceptances-- I can see why-- your collages are wonderful.

  9. I certainly like what's on your easel already!



Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.