
Thursday, July 8, 2010

My Cabins in the Woods

My recent trip to the country was awesome, but not so restful as you might imagine.  While it was certainly beautiful, and quiet, I actually went out there to work. About 6 years ago, my husband and I bought 60 acres of forest on the Kinneyconnick Creek in Lewis County, Kentucky. The original cabin on the property was built by the man who owned the place in 1959, from redwood that he had shipped from California.  When we purchased it, the cabin was in terrible shape, complete with a partially rotted roof.  Since then we have been renovating it, and it's now structurally sound and looking pretty good, but not completely finished.

Then, I guess because I missed the two log houses we had built and just sold, or possibly because of incurable insanity, I decided I wanted a log house.  So we found one somebody wanted taken down, and moved the logs- several times.  Then we started construction. Believe me, none of this is as easy as it sounds; sometime I'll gather all my photos and give you all a more detailed account.  This picture shows how far we got on our own, before we had to enlist the help of a crane to put up the second floor logs.  This is actually the second time we did this, because the first time, it sort of... fell down.  But that's a whole other story.

Anyway, I thought I'd give you a little tour of the "yard", and the progress made this past week.  The redwood cabin is on the right, and at the time this was taken (2005), had been stained, a new roof put on, chimney repaired, etc.  For directional reference, you (and the photographer) are standing in the driveway.   Let's come back to the present, and walk down to the redwood cabin's nice shady porch.

We're looking at the porch, or side view of the cabin.  Let's step onto it and turn around to look out toward the driveway.  You're now seeing the only (that I know of) redwood tree in Kentucky.  It stands just between the driveway and a very steep drop to the creek.

Planted in 1958, it's just a little baby, for a redwood.  It's a bright yellow-green color in the summer, and I believe it's about 100 feet high, give or take.

 Here's the path leading down to a huge part of the Kinney that everyone calls the "swirl hole".  It starts behind the redwood cabin, so step off the porch and turn left.  This is so pretty, with lots of lush mosses and ferns.

Oops, I forgot, we're not going to the creek right now.  We have to work on the log house!

Due to the magic of the internet, and you not really being here and stuff- voila!  We finally put the doors on the log house.

We're now standing in the "back yard", looking at the french doors we just put in, and the opposite end of the redwood cabin.  Let's walk around to the front and check out the other door, which we put on yesterday.

Doesn't the door look nice?  And to think, only one person was injured putting it in (guess who?).  Let's go inside.  Wow!  It's starting to look like a house in here!  There's still some chinking to be done, and of course, the floor...

Finally, after a dip in the swirl hole to cool off, we're sitting down under the big pine in the front yard to admire our handiwork, and maybe have a beer.

It's a beautiful evening; lean back and relax, enjoy the peace and quiet.

Isn't it great that the sky has been this color the whole time we've been here?


  1. Home sweet home. You must feel a great sense of achievement looking up at your handiwork. It is a beautiful cabin and I love the door ..... and the setting. Thanks for the tour.

  2. What a wondrous retreat you've created in tandem with Mother Nature...the tour is great...but then you are gaining a reputation as a magical tour guide.

    Something so special about 'a cabin in the woods'...and how magnifcent to see the 'only redwood tree in Kentucky'

  3. Wow..what a beautiful place. Your cabin looks amazing and l am very jealous but realise just how much work you have done to achievee what you have.xxI love trees and am lucky enough to live around them here in putneyxlynda

  4. Amazing log cabin with lovely doors and roof! I so like the redwood cabin with the rock or stone fireplace. What a whole lot of work...those logs look heavy and all that in between plaster stuff? A real dream in the making. windows, flooring and plumbing and electrical...the dream continues! Happy summer skies!

  5. Don, you're right- we're definitely not in Kansas any more!

  6. wow this looks great, reminds me of my dad's house out in the woods in Ohio. How very satisfying to be drinking that beer at the end of the day!!

  7. Love the redwood cabin with the stone wall...dreamy...
    Nice blog, btw, and great artwork!

  8. Hix to answer your querstion..Putney is ion London UKxxx daily photo blog of my daily adventures!!

  9. Pfffffft.....sssssss.....


    That's me popping a tab and toasting a job well done! You're creating your own little Nirvana out there. I'm in love...


  10. Oh wow!!! Now that's my kind of place! As you know, it's my daughter's birthday and we're in northern Cinti - I'm parked at the Comfort Suites next to the building she's in - ha, so much for an exciting adventure! Maybe closer to fall we'll do Covington.
    How far is your cabin from N KY?

  11. Dear Sharmon-oh this looks like a HUGE piece of heaven!! So amazingly peaceful with Mother Nature whispering all around you. Your cabin looks like magic and I can't wait to see it completed. What a great place to paint, walk, LIVE...
    Thanks for stopping by my blog with your kind comments...

  12. You're all invited out to visit any time- seriously. Just let me know, and I'll pick you up at the airport! Patti, I'll give you driving directions.

    -Don, I love the sound effects! I'm saving you a cold one (or more)!

  13. What a beautiful place and 60 acres to boot ; )

    Having lived in the bay area for 44 yrs before moving out here, and having relatives near the redwoods in Ca, having a house made out of those trees is also magnificent.

    A great place to be creative too
    ; )

    Cheers and Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

  14. Thanks for visiting, DJ, and for the lovely compliment!

    Soraya- it is heaven, I have to admit; I'm very lucky!

    Coffee Messiah- thanks for stopping by. I agree, there's a lot of creative inspiration here.

  15. I can really appreciate what you've done here. The former administration and I had a cabin back when, and while we didn't build it, I did watch it being built. Major big job. Good for you!

  16. Hey Sharmon, I love your log houses... I thought I remembered a more recent post about them but this is different.. but maybe it is the same post ... you guys did so much work. They are great!!! You must enjoy going there and being in that special place.. I really admire what you have done! and to think an actual growing redwood just in your yard that goes with it... that is so cool!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.