
Saturday, March 20, 2010

On the Easel

I've been working on this piece off and on for a couple of weeks.  It's one of those that started out to be something completely different, but seemed to take on a life of its own, and evolve into whatever it wanted to be.  When my original idea didn't work, I tore off the top layer I didn't like, and expanded the underneath layer into a more finished piece.  Of course, other layers were added along the way.  I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow, along with Transformation 41.  A girl's got to have goals, right?


  1. U are right, and about this one i think is super :) u work with colors in a mistic way, and this is beautiful

  2. this is a stunner Sharmon!! and congrats on being featured on Robyn's site! you so deserve it! xx's cat


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