
Sunday, March 21, 2010

By George, I think she's got it!

I have actually reached my stated goal of having these two pieces finished by today!  Unfortunately, the weather would not cooperate, so the photos aren't the greatest, but here they are.

Transformation 41
Ingredients: monotype prints using oil-based litho inks on Rives BFK paper, Caran D'Ache crayons, watercolor pencils, acrylic gel medium, PVA glue

I think of this one as the seed entering the earth, hopefully completing a trilogy with the other two pieces the client bought.  When I posted this piece before, a couple of people felt it could use more "rootiness" (thanks for the word, Don), and I agreed that it needed something on the bottom to balance it out.  I tried about 47 million different things, and this seemed to work best.  Okay, I could be exaggerating a bit, but it felt like 47 million.  I'm not sure I'm completely satisfied with it, but this how it will remain unless/until I think of something better.

 Butterfly Buddha Child
Ingredients:  FW acrylic ink, maps, book pages, chiri paper, watercolor pencil, Caran D'Ache crayons, ginko leaves, metallic oil crayon, metallic paint pen, Rives BFK paper, on Multimedia Art Board

 Butterfly Buddha Child- detail

Butterfly Buddha Child- detail

Sorry about the wonky photos, but I hope you enjoy these nonetheless!


  1. reckon that works just great with the first two pieces. love seeing the close-up detail on your work.

  2. yes, love the big buddha eyes behind the center figure. nice metaphor. great work!

  3. I think they look great - glad I could be of some help, even if it's with goofy words (and dumb looks - don't forget the dumb looks...). I'm amazed at your creative output - puts this old Coder to shame. You go, Goal Girl!

  4. Both pieces are magnificent. I love Buddha so i seem to be more partial to that piece. Just adore your work!!

  5. well worth the 47 million hours...Buddha child is Buddha-full.

  6. Hey- I'm likin' these! Nicely done fellow "freak"!

  7. Little-known (unknown?) fact: A line crosses the upper chest of Buddha personage labeled "Powell CO" (Kentucky) founded in 1852, FOUR YEARS before my violin was made in Paris--France, not Ky!!!

    Just thought you needed to know that also I love your Buddha piece, esp when you photo closeups, for study.

    Mixed media, I get it now--really means 47 million types of media! I'm obviously not an artist, but I sure feel like I'm in friendly company, when I click on these art blogs. Thanks.


  8. I'm loving all the details .... the buddha eyes, the snake mound spiral, mapping, peacock feathers ....

  9. Thank you, all; you're way too kind.

    Don, what kind of creative work do you do? surely it has nothing to do with producing dumb looks!

    Manon, Cat, Whitney, Donna, and Robyn- muchas gracias, merci beaucoups, and mille grazie!

    Steve, you're too funny! Are you absolutely sure your violin wasn't made in Paris, Kentucky? Apparently, you really did study the closeups carefully! And yes, the list of media can get pretty long!

    Michael- from one freak to another-
    thank you!

  10. Sharmon these are exquisite I love them both. I never cease to be amazed by the way you integrate your translucent layers, colors and forms seamlessly. So beautiful. We are blessed to be witnesses to your boundless creative essence.

    gentle steps,

  11. These pieces are quite beautiful Sharmon, a balancing of delicacy with passion and power for me! your deep connection to nature and spirit are exquisitely tended to with your usual care and love for what you do. bravo!! xox K


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