
Monday, November 9, 2009

The Traveler's Tale: Balance

I finally got a photo of the second piece in the Traveler series, which I had finished a few weeks ago.  I am now working on the third, tentatively called "Long Ago and Far Away".  So far, this second one has been the hardest; I knew what I wanted the figure to look like, but the background was a *&#^@!   The original sky map was printed in 1957, and I knew I would never find another one, so I scanned it.  Of course, my scanner only accepts up to size 8.5 x 11 inches, so I had to then try to splice the pieces together.  The map doesn't quite look like this either, as I wanted the circle to go all the way around, which it does not because in the past I have cut pieces out and used them, not anticipating that I'd do a whole series like this!  Lots of improvisation was involved.  It took me weeks just to find the right maps for the bottom part, and the right way to combine them, as well as what and how to incorporate the "land" she's walking toward.  But overall, I'm pretty pleased with the result.  What do you think?


  1. Wow! I love it!! Looks like your improvisation worked.... It's and incredible piece!!

  2. absolutely woth all the effort - it looks effortless - also reminds me of a Tarot card, she has that Archetypal look to her.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.