
Sunday, August 13, 2017

Commission Painting Finished!

I don't typically do much commission work, but I am always open to it if I have the time and it's something I know how to do. And, when the clients are your daughter and son-in-law, how can you refuse, right? I actually really enjoyed doing this painting; it's different from what I usually do, and that was liberating in lot of ways. It was also really nice to take some time way from working on the website, which can get (very!) tedious at times.

I had already shared a couple of teasers on instagram, just some work-in-progress details. But now that my daughter and her hubby have seen it, and given it the final stamp of approval, I can share it with all of you!

The Wave
acrylic paint with acrylic ink, 30 x 40

I had lots of fun making this piece. It's been a long time since I've worked this large, or used quite this much paint! I did most of it out on my front porch, since it's shaded during the early part of the day.  I was using the inks and watered down paint in a watercolor-type technique, pouring on puddles of paint and then letting the excess run off the end of the porch. This would not have been practical on the hardwood floors in the studio. Later on, I did some of the foamy parts inside, coving the floor with old throw rugs. Really made me want to go to the ocean, though!


  1. Great job...perfect foam as I live down the street from the waves! I so like your 'logo' in the sidebar...good choice!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary Ann! Good to know that the foam looks right - I was a little doubtful about that! I also appreciate your kind words about the logo. xoxo

  2. Absolutely carries both an epic-powerful and gentle-peaceful feel at the same time..gorgeous work! Very meditative!

    1. Victoria, thank you for the very kind words. Powerful and peaceful is exactly what I was going for!

      xo Sharmon

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you so much, Eric! The color is right up your alley, so to speak!

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks, Patti, I really appreciate the compliment! xoxo

  5. Lovely ...ever so ocean like. I live the ocean...come visit '-)

    1. Thank you, Donna - 'ocean-like' is a great compliment! And watch out, I just might take you up on that 'come visit' thing!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


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