
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Art Challenge: Birds

When I found out the theme for this week's Art Challenge was "Birds", I couldn't resist, despite the fact that I'm busy trying to build a new website (trying is the operative word here), and I've got tons of yard work and gardening to do, not to mention the normal everyday stuff to keep up with. But it's BIRDS, you know? If you've followed my blog for very long, or looked at my website, it's pretty obvious that birds are a very important part of my symbolic vocabulary. In fact, I did two long posts about birds in art, which you can read here and here, if you're so inclined.

So I thought I'd maybe just take one of my old collages that didn't work out, since pretty much all of them have birds on them, re-work it here and there, and voila! - a new bird collage. Nope. Ideas started whirling around in my head and I found myself starting a whole new collage, which I knew I wouldn't be able to finish in time for the challenge.

Work in progress: When I Was a Bird

But luckily, no one in this lovely group of artists cares much about deadlines or rules, so I'm posting what I've got so far. There's a lot more work ahead, but I think the basic bones of the composition are in place, and you can get an idea of where it's going. I will be sharing my progress here, so check back in a few day for an update!

Eric Adama of Cerulean is our kind host, so head over to his blog for the links to more bird art!


  1. I already love as it is. Looking forward to where it ends. Thanks for joining. eric

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Eric, and thanks for inviting me!

  2. Love this a lot. Excited to see where you take this! 😍

  3. Love this a lot. Excited to see where you take this! 😍

    1. Thanks, Norma! I guess I'll find out as I go along!

  4. I sure agree with Eric about like this piece and at the same time understand the 'needs time and work' factor in art making. I'll be checking back!

    1. Thanks, Mary Ann! I have too many irons in the fire, so to speak! xox

  5. Birds, yes, important beings in my life, too. Reading this post the a song we used to sing all the time in women's circles popped into my head... "There's a river of birds in migration, a nation of women with wings." :)

  6. I'm not familiar with that song, Valerianna, but I love the lyric!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.