
Sunday, March 12, 2017

Still Undecided...

Okay, I've narrowed down the first lot, chosen my favorites, and added a few more. I'm sure you're beginning to realize that I'm not good at making decisions...  Please feel free to comment or not; you're probably getting as tired of this as I am!

After all this trouble, I still like the one I'm using now. I think it's strong graphically, but don't know if it really says, "Spiritual Art Inspired by Nature", which will be the tag line for my sites.

This is also a favorite, but I had forgotten to leave room for the corners to be cut off, as they will be on Pinterest, so I rearranged the type. I also changed the type face, but may need to go with a sans-serif font for the sake of readability.

This is from one of my favorite pieces, but I'm not sure if it's too visually confusing. I also am afraid the font may be hard to read when re-sized to fit the various sites' profiles.

This one is the same as the one above it, but with a different font. So I have made progress, in that there are three basic designs, which could be tweaked in one way or another.

Again, thanks for the help, dear friends! I hope you're enjoying your weekend!


  1. I like them all, but the first one best. xoxo

  2. I like the second one with the birds. The reason is, not only because it's beautiful, but in my 3K+ artistic friends on FB, all I see is girls and girls faces over and over again. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one not painting girl's faces. So just from this personal little bubble in space, the birds are a huge relief. (plus they're beautiful and mystical) :D Hope it helps and feel free to PM me for girl's faces artists.

    1. Veronica, I do know what you mean about the girls' faces; they really are everywhere. Thanks for pointing that out! xo

  3. The first one with the two birds, very beautiful, unique and non-girlie!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, big mamabird; I really appreciate it!

  4. Ok, I love the bird, but it seems a bit limiting.. I like the one you are using now, but it really doesn't grab me. The last image makes me think of Blue Man! I think you need to keep looking...

    1. You're right, Cat! I'm with you; I'll just have to keep looking.

  5. if you only had one single image to define you and your art with all your heart and deep soul, what would that be?

    1. Mo, that is such an excellent question - but also a very difficult one. I will keep looking with that in mind. The problem is, it also has to function graphically, which is a very different question. Finding something that satisfies both those criteria is challenging.

  6. My first choice is the birds,it's different ,it grabs you, it makes you stop look and think.Then I think no 4 and 1 come in second ,I just read Mo Crows reply and I agree with her.And this is about you and your defining image ,not about how others perceive you.So sit and think about what sort of Sunday best dress you want to wear and go for it .Font wise I prefer the lower casing in 2 ,it looks contemptory.

    1. Thanks, Chyfey, I really appreciate your response!

  7. I like the birds but really love the one you're using now. I know there are a lot of girlie things out there but this image informs me, right away, of what type of art you do. Gut thing?

    1. Thanks, Patti! I love that one too, but it doesn't really say, "spiritual art inspired by nature". I'm sure I'll get there eventually.

  8. It's all too difficult isn't it? I like the birds but don't think it defines your work well enough.

    1. Yes, it seems very overwhelming at times. Thanks for the help, Jo!

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.