
Saturday, January 28, 2017

Art Challenge: Sticks

When Tammie of Beauty Flows chose the theme "sticks" for this week's art challenge, I knew I had to jump in! I love sticks - in the woods, on or off of the trees, in art, or laying in a pile in my studio. Here are a few of my favorites.

 Snow and ice accumulated on these sticks in my yard to make a lovely black and white abstract...

 Sticks with seeds overhanging the Kinniconick Creek...

 I used a smooth bleached stick from the creek in this mixed media piece called, "Flight Talismans".

 Sticks outlined in the light of the super moon...

 Weathered, twisted sticks on the sand dunes at Cumberland Island.

 My friend, Mish, trying to hide behind some bamboo sticks.  Not working too well.

Years ago, I used to make sculptures from sticks, grapevines, rocks and copper. This was the only example I could find. The background is a topological map of a region in Kentucky that is very important to me, the rocks, which have seeds or flowers of indigenous plants glued onto them, have holes in them and are hanging on - you guessed it - sticks.

 Sticks from a tree submerged in the Kinniconick Creek...

 Beech sticks still hold onto their leaves in winter...

A redbud tree in bloom...

Do you think that's enough, yet?  Thanks for inviting me, Tammie!  Go to Beauty Flows to see what the other participants came up with!


  1. wonderful assortment of sticks. I love how we find them all over. Smooth sun bleached sticks are a joy to hold and feel and see in your art. Which is wonderful to look at. Thank you for joining us.

    1. Thank you, Tammie! I do love smooth sun-bleached sticks! Thanks for inviting me!

  2. Great post and awesome photos and work! I think you nailed "sticks" right down! Xo

    1. Thanks, Cat; I originally had a lot more photos, but I took some out. No shortage of sticks around here! xo

  3. Loved your pics! Such a great idea...I can't tell you how many little piles I have...:) 🌻Laura

    1. Thanks! Yes, it was a good theme for an art challenge. I have a pretty big pile of sticks in my studio right now!

  4. The black and white photo is beautiful. Your stick sculpture makes me curious to see more! - eric

  5. Beautiful! I love sticks too. My favorite is your sculpture, very unique. xoxo

    1. Thanks, Annie! I would like to someday go back to making sculptures like that; so many ideas, so little time!

  6. Wow. i can´t believe the bamboo sticks photo!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Yes, those were some very large and probably old bamboo plants! Thanks for visiting!

  7. All those different sticks... Love that red bud tree most, dear Sharmon!
    x Ariane

    1. Thank you, Ariane! I think red bud trees are very special.

  8. what a beautiful collection of sticks!
    I am hosting the new theme, may I invite you?
    x Stefanie

    1. Thanks so much, Stephanie, I'm glad you like them! I'm too late for this challenge; maybe I can do the next one.

  9. hi sharmon! i am also always very attracted by the skeletal outlines of sticks and branches against an even backdrop such as a sky above. now i know you are too. grand! n♥

    1. Yes, Nadine, nature makes beautiful line drawings! Thanks for visiting!


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