
Thursday, November 10, 2016

Wind and Water

I had forgotten all about this, the piece that was in the "Think Square" exhibition over a year ago. Going through photos of my work a few minutes ago, I realized I had never shared it here on my blog, or anywhere online. So, anyway, here it is.

Wind and Water
monotype with mixed media, 5 x 5 inches

Happy Thursday, everyone!


  1. it's gorgeous! feels very "fall on the west coast" which involves a lot of moving water about this time of year :)

  2. Thanks, Carole! It's interesting that it makes you think of fall on the coast, which I've never experienced. From films and videos I've seen, though, I can see why you would say that - it looks very beautiful there.

  3. I always enjoy your art, Sharmon. I like the colors and textures of this piece. Just brilliant!


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