
Saturday, October 15, 2016

"Coversations" exhibit now at University of Kentucky

The "Conversations" printmaking exhibit, previously shown in the Main Gallery at Northern Kentucky University, is currently being exhibited at the University of Kentucky in Lexington until the end of October. I apologize for not getting this information out sooner. This exhibit highlights the work of 31 regional printmakers, showcasing a wide variety of techniques and interpretations of the theme.

"This exhibition will highlight 31 regional printmakers: Mario Barbi, Carola Bell, Joe Bohache, Jesse Byerly, Joline Costello Hartig, Sharmon Davidson, Joan Effertz, Louann Elliot, Mary Farrell, Rick Finn, Sheila Fleischer, Elizabeth Foley, Saad Ghosn, Jay Harriman, Tory Keith, Kurt Mohr, Michelle Lustenberg, Nicci Mechler, Susan Naylor, Kathleen Piercefield, Randel Plowman, Chris Plummer, Jill Ross, Brett Schiezer, Jonpaul Smith, Andy Sohoza, Jan Torrance Thomas,
Carole Winters, David Wischer, Clint Woods, and Mary Woodworth.
A broad range of printmaking techniques are represented including silk screen, etching, chine-collĂ©, lithography, monoprint, collagraph, woodcut and more.
The exhibition was curated by Andrea Knarr, who taught printmaking at Northern Kentucky University for more than 30 years. A retrospective of her work is on display as well." (Tigerlily Press)

I don't have any photos from the NKU show, but I can share some from the UK exhibit, taken by artist David Wischer, who was instrumental in obtaining the space as well as hanging it.

The two pieces on the far left in photo are mine. Here's what they look like close up:

Analogy I, monotype with mixed media

Analogy II, monotype with mixed media

Accompanying text:

                                             I want to tell what the forests                                        
were like.
I will have to speak
in a forgotten language.
                                                                       ~ W. S. Merwin

If you're in or near Lexington, Kentucky, it's well worth checking out the exhibition. It's in the School of Art and Visual Studies:


  1. une exposition de toute beauté ... dommage que je suis si loin...

    1. Thanks, Elfi; I wish you could come and see it, too


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