
Friday, September 30, 2016

Weekly Quick Collage: Summer Sweetness

Summer Sweetness
collage, 5.5 x 4.75

It's so bitter-sweet, saying goodbye to summer. While fall is truly glorious here, with perfect daytime temperatures, crisp, cool nights, and the riotous colors of the changing leaves, I can't help feeling a sense of loss, and a sadness that comes with knowing that winter is not far away.  Of course, this is the natural way of things, the cycles that are a part of the balance of seasons on Earth. Yet, it's difficult to reconcile myself to the coming darkness, cold, and seemingly colorless landscape. So I remind myself that the trees and plants are not dead, just taking a well-deserved restorative rest until spring, when they will burst forth with life again and continue to grow.

What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness?
                                                                                                                  ~ John Steinbeck

Happy fall, everyone!


  1. "best parts about living on earth"...beautiful and could be easily applied to so many natural is good!

  2. I always enjoy your collages Sharmon and, yes, Summer should get a speeding ticket.

    1. Thanks, Jo! Yes, I thought the 'speeding ticket' thing was perfect; where does it go?

  3. I really like this collage and it captures your sense of beauty about summer as well as your sense of loss.. I understand and have come to look forward to wintering as a kind of cocooning .. Incubation process... X

    1. Thanks, Cat. I know what you mean about cocooning... still, I'm not really a cold weather person, so I tend to get tired of winter quickly... xox

    2. come down here, would love to have you close by!!

  4. de belles choses ..après mon voyage..un beau retour...

  5. Meanwhile here in Aotearoa New Zealand the earth is warming up. Yipee.

    1. Yes, I imagine spring in New Zealand must be incredibly beautiful...

  6. the in-between
    the threshold
    the feelings that rise and flow
    as we adjust to change
    of clothing, feelings, temperatures, colors, thoughts, chores
    a lively time
    an inspiring time
    we all feel different, each year about this change


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.