
Friday, July 1, 2016

Weekly Quick Collage: Let Me Know

I have to confess that this collage was not all that "quick." Originally, it was done rather quickly, but I decided I wasn't satisfied with it, so I continued to work on it, adding more layers until the part that said "Let me know" was covered up. This in keeping with my resolution to push myself farther, to experiment and learn new things about making art. More and more, I'm employing my "throw away your first five (or ten) ideas" strategy, and beginning to break new ground, as they say.

Let Me Know
mixed media collage, 5 x 7 inches 

Every act of creation is first of all an act of destruction.         -Picasso

What is life? It is the flash of a firefly in the night. It is the breath of a buffalo in the wintertime. It is the little shadow which runs across the grass and loses itself in the sunset.         -Crowfoot

Let me keep my mind on what
which is my work,
which is mostly standing still and
learning to be
- Mary Oliver


  1. All three quotes touch my heart! I start and add and subtract and then add again...sometimes it just gets messy but other times magic starts to happen...!

    1. I love those quotes, too, Mary Ann, and like to read them again from time to time. I know exactly what you mean about adding and subtracting, mess and magic. It seems best to keep going until it feels right...

  2. Beautiful collage creation - I love it all - how beautifully the botanical bits pull me in.

    1. Thanks so much, Kim! The flowers seemed to be just what it needed...

  3. une signification eventuelle...écrire ... nous qui sommes sur le net, un devoir! biz

  4. Beautiful! I'm glad you followed your instincts. If it doesn't want to be a quick collage, rather continue and let the magic happen.

    1. Thanks, Robyn! I agree, it can't be forced, you have to give up some of the control and see what evolves...

  5. beautiful! yes, often what appears effortless belies a whole lot of time to get it that way. Also your banner is exquisite! And the Mary Oliver quote, definitely worth remembering to spend more time being astonished :)

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words, Carole! Mary Oliver always inspires me, no matter how many times I read her writings...

  6. Wow... Inspirational qoutes! The Picasso one has me giddy. It ties so well into living as an artist, to living at all. I have become more and more clear, but if you were to visit my studio it sure would not look that way. Once again your words and work are so helpful to me. And the layering within your collage is lovely.

    1. Yes, I agree, the Picasso quote is profound and so true. I'm grateful if my work or anything I write is helpful to someone. Thank you.

  7. I like the colors and textures of your piece.
    Also enjoyed hearing of your process.
    thank you also for the quotes. Lovely day and beyond to you.

    1. Thanks so much, Tammie! Glad you liked the post. A very lovely beyond to you! (I think I'm going to start saying that all the time now!)


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