
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

It's That Time Again...

It's that magical time again, when all the plants and trees are waking up from their winter's sleep...

Out at our place in the country, the tiny, delicate bluets are blooming...

... as are the trout lilies...

... and Virginia bluebells...

... and whatever these are...

... and the azaleas are budding.

The water in the Kinneyconick is very clear...

... as the beeches...

... and the hemlocks stand guard...

... and the work on the cabins continues. My husband has reclaimed some huge poplar boards from an old building that was being torn down.

Back at home, the garden has been tilled...

and Brussels sprouts, kale, and lettuce have been planted...

... and much work awaits in the flower gardens.

In the meantime, I enjoy the paper-white narcissus...

... and the beauty of the lilacs in bloom.

Whatever you're doing this Spring, my friends, I wish you a joyous and inspiring one!


  1. Oh, that will be an awesome garden, Sharmon! How I miss gardening here. I have been working to just create color in the yard and my day lilies are blooming well, but it has taken some time to figure out what actually grows here and likes this climate. So happy your spring has sprung!! x

    1. I hope it will be, Cat! I never stopped to think about it, but I've never seen a vegetable garden in Florida. When I was there last summer, I was envious of all the gorgeous tropical plants growing in everyone's yards, though. I guess it's a trade-off.

  2. mon wifi n'est pas bon.. mais , je peux admirer quelques fleurs, un petit salut de sicile!

    1. Thanks for visiting, Elfi; I'm glad you enjoyed the flowers!

  3. I love spring! All my perennials have emerged. My garden is full of the cool weather crops as well. But spring does bring lots of spring chores! Happy spring to you!

    1. Happy spring to you, too, Judy. You're right, it always seems like a race to get the garden in and the others chores done... but the weather has been beautiful!

  4. Amazing photos! Your Spring is a delight...water to blooms. Your freshly planted garden will be produce need for fencing out critters? So far my garden consists of parsley and basil.

    1. Thanks, Mary Ann! And yes, we definitely have to fence the garden; this photo was taken a day or two before we got that done. If we don't have a fence, we're just feeding the deer and the rabbits! I still need to plant my herbs, especially basil, as I intend to make lots of pesto this year...

  5. such beautiful photos of the exuberance of spring up in your North Country as we drift into the letting go of autumn here in the Land Down Under

    1. Thanks, Mo. It still seems strange to me that our seasons are the opposite of yours. I hope you're enjoying your fall as much as I'm enjoying spring!

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! Wouldn't have known to come and visit yours otherwise. Lovely post! I love seeing what grows in areas outside of where I live. And your blog is marvelous! I'll be back!


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