
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Weekly Quick Collage: Reverie

collage, 8.5 x 7.25 inches

Down near the bottom
of the crossed-out list
of things you have to do today,

between "green thread"
and "broccoli" you find
that you have penciled "sunlight."

Resting on the page, the word
is as beautiful, it touches you
as if you had a friend

and sunlight were a present
he had sent you from some place distant
as this morning -- to cheer you up,

and to remind you that,
among your duties, pleasure
is a thing,

that also needs accomplishing
Do you remember?

that time and light are kinds

of love, and love
is no less practical
than a coffee grinder

or a safe spare tire?
Tomorrow you may be utterly
without a clue

but today you get a telegram,
from the heart in exile
proclaiming that the kingdom

still exists,
the king and queen alive,
still speaking to their children,

- to any one among them
who can find the time,
to sit out in the sun and listen.  

                                                                                           by Tony Hoagland


  1. Words and images...beautiful. This color theme is strong as the last image and I like it as I'm a big fan of yellow ochre. I was just listening to a favorite song about angels and 'reverie' ...what a powerful word!

  2. comme une visite à l'alhambra di granada! :) biz

  3. just stunning, reminds me a lot of the Illuminated Prayer... have you seen that book? I just adore this piece... x

    1. I'm glad you like it so much, Cat. I haven't seen that book but I will look it up... xox

  4. Beautiful piece - calming and inspiring at the same time. And the poem is delightful. We should all remember to include pleasure in our days.

    1. Thanks, Judy. It's an important thing to remember, and one I often don't...

  5. Jumpin' Jiminy, that poem was powerful. I don't often understand poetry, but this one spoke loud and clear. Your collage work is wonderful Sharmon. There is such a mathematical balance present...not sure if that makes any sense, yet it needs to still be a poem.


    1. What a lovely compliment, Lisa; thanks for the kind words. I know what you mean about the mathematical balance, and this one in particular seems 'poetic' in form to me as well. Glad you enjoyed the poem, too!

  6. Beautiful image and poem. Thank you. xoxo


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