
Thursday, November 19, 2015

Searching for Roy G Biv: Pink

Since finding something pink around here in November is pretty difficult (gray or brown - take your pick), I had to go back a month or so for the photos.  I tried to cover a wide variety of the possible shades of pink, so here goes.

 Rosy pink veronica...

 ... a lavendar-pink petunia...

 ... a classic pink cosmo...

... coppery-pink grasses...

... magenta-pink cosmos...

... and faded pink coneflowers.

To enjoy all the shades of pink found by other Roy G Biv participants, please visit the blogs of our hostesses, Jennifer Coyne Qudeen and Julie B. Booth.


  1. You did found some beautiful examples of pink!

  2. Replies
    1. Pink is pretty, isn't it? So glad you liked the photos!

  3. Pink is the color of November.Right? It is really too pretty .Sometimes,the color pink is seems to be royalty to me..I like it.
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  4. Love your wide selection of pinks! I am not much of a "pink person," but all of the blossoms you've shown are so sweet. I especially like the grasses and fading cornflowers - pink verging on being a neutral!

    1. I'm not much of a "pink person" either, and don't use it much in my work. But how can you not love pink flowers, right?

  5. Such a variety of pinks.Certainly brightened up my day, it's been a month of dreary grey weather with copious rain and mist.

    1. November weather is pretty much the same around here, Maya. I'm glad the photos cheered you up!

  6. Beautiful flower pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  7. Beautiful flower pictures. Thanks for sharing.

  8. I think I like the pinkish grasses the best...

  9. i really do enjoy pink
    and each of yours are beautiful
    lovely to consider so many different pinks

  10. hi, nice blog, :) pink is my favourit color these flowers are so beautiful really enjoyed. thanks for this share :)

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