
Sunday, August 2, 2015

New Piece, But Not Really

The Separation of Heron and Crow II
monotype with mixed media, 9.5 x 8.75 inches

I finished this piece a while back, then totally forgot to post it. This only occurred to me recently (like today). Although I don't like it as well as version I, there are many things I do like about it, and it was lots of fun to do.

In case you're not a long-time reader of my blog, I should probably explain that the 'Heron and Crow' pieces were originally intended to be illustrations for a book I was writing. The writing, however, has proven to be very difficult, and I'm not at all sure that my idea will make a good story in the long run. But I really enjoyed making the original Separation of Heron and Crow, as it's now called, and liked the idea so much I decided to try another one just for fun.

The basic premise of the story was that we need both day and night, dark and light, land and water, etc. - that we need opposites to create a balanced whole. I attempted to express this idea through the overlapping and positive/negative mixing of the black and white birds, who are the main mythical characters in the story.  I thought that one aspect of this piece that lent itself to the theme was the bright background behind the Heron, while the darker background is behind the Crow.

Let me know what you think!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mo - I'm so glad you like it, especially since it's your favorite subject matter!

  2. A gorgeous piece nonetheless....and I love the concept. Maybe it just needs a little time, and you will finish it.

    1. Thanks, Jo! I like the concept, too, but it's hard to put it into a story form. Maybe I will finish it someday.

  3. Very gorgeous piece on it's own. I agree - the story may just need more percolating or a re-birth. The concept is intriguing !

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Judy! More percolating, indeed - I hope that I will be able to figure out how to proceed with the story at some point.

  4. The design, the colors are beautiful...very striking!
    Funny I'm working on night into day...great minds at the work table!!!

    1. Thanks so much, Mary Ann! Can't wait to see your "night into day" piece!

  5. Exquisite beauty! Deeply gorgeous art... and shining with such soul and spirit...magical!

  6. This is an absolutely wonderful piece!!! In awe!

  7. not only is the piece stunning, but your idea for the story is indeed a good one, I would pursue it and illustrate it.. x

    1. Thanks Cat, I appreciate your kind words and encouragement. It's kind of a difficult idea to put into story form; too far above the heads of children, too simplistic for adults...?


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.