
Tuesday, June 2, 2015

SOS ART 2015

SOS ART 2015
a community art show and event of creative expressions for
Peace and Justice
May 29 – June 7
@The Art Academy of Cincinnati,
                                  1212 Jackson St, downtown OTR Cincinnati

A piece of my art is included in this exhibit  at the Art Academy of Cincinnati. Here is part of the article about the exhibit from River City News:

"More than 200 regional visual artists, literary artists, musicians, and performers will participate in the 13th annual SOS ART, both exhibition and a series of events that provide a forum for sociopolitical expressions of peace and justice through art. It features paintings, sculptures, photographs, videos, installations, poetry readings, movies, music, performances, and discussions on current issues of peace and justice.

Look for powerful and diverse statements in support of justice and peace locally, nationally, and globally – and a serious artistic conversation from Northern Kentucky artists.  

Sharmon Davidson’s mixed media calls attention to the inadequacy of out mental health care system. The Taylor Mill artist’s starkly titled “Mental Illness in America” addresses, she says, those suffering silently and others who are now homeless."

Unfortunately, I did not have time or the opportunity to take a photo of the piece, but will post it as soon as I get one.  This exhibit is well worth attending if you have a chance.


  1. Wish I were closer - would love to see the show. Sounds powerful!

  2. Wish you could see it too, Judy! xox

  3. congrats on having a piece in there. yes, please show us which it was!

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