
Thursday, May 7, 2015

You Can Fix It

As some of you may be aware, I've been having somewhat of a hard time lately, attempting to overcome a depressive and anxiety disorder. I found this old book called "You Can Fix It", which I was going to use as an art journal. Unfortunately, the book fell apart after I was only a few pages in, but I thought I'd show you the cover anyway.

Front Cover: The vegetables, fruits, and flowers represent one of the things I find most healing: gardening.  There is just something about getting my hands in the earth and helping things to grow that relaxes me and brings me a sense of peace.

Inside of front cover: I think the paintbrush is self-explanatory, as art is my first great love.  It takes me out of my everyday mind-set to a place where I'm at peace, where I don't notice the passage of time, as if in a deep meditative state. The map represents earth and landscape, and speaks to my love of hiking and being outdoors.

This cracks me up:
The statistics on sanity are that one of every four Americans is suffering from some form of  mental illness. Think of your three best friends. If they're okay, then it's you.
                                                                                                              ~ Rita Mae Brown

Wishing you all good health, mental and otherwise!  xoxo


  1. looks like humour and reflection are still at work here! Love this cover.

    1. Yes, I find humor to be my saving grace at times - you just have to laugh at yourself! Thanks, Carole!

  2. LOL... nice work, dearheart, and wishing you wellness and joy.. x

    1. Thanks so much, Cat; I find that humor always helps! xox

  3. Clarity is this cover...knowing what you love is a great beginning!

  4. You're right, Mary Ann; it's important to concentrate on those activities that bring peace and healing. xox

  5. gardening, art and a wry sense of humour seasoned with love are ingredients for a full life

  6. Sharmon I have always found Art to be a saving grace. Love your work!

    1. Thank you, Gwen; you're so right about art being a saving grace - it keeps me going for sure!

  7. Lovely work. Sending love for your troubles. I find for my own state of mind art and nature help me so much, but also I ban thinking, which is hard, but once you get in the habit of noticing your thoughts and then letting them go it gets easier. xoxo

    1. Thanks, Annie, for the encouragement. Where did you learn about banning thinking? Is it something you came up with on your own? xoxo

  8. Gardening and art are my top two joy filled activities too. Love that cover - who knew there could be a manual for life repairs! lol Sending you much love and joy!

    1. Art and gardening are the best, aren't they? Thanks for the kind words! xoxo

  9. yes dear Sharmon, the two reasons for my absence here now and than are 1. gardening ; and how wonderfull it is there outside this time of year, promising buds and luscious foliage, strawberries and lettuce in the greenhouse (just a big plastic thing in my case), tomatoes already in bloom.
    Scent and color, bees and birds and butterflies, can't get enough of it and so very healing.
    2. Art ; i need time to paint, painting and taking pauses to look what is already there, i often take a stroll in my garden now, to be away from the painting for a little while and to see it with 'new' eyes afterwards. A garden is always source of inspiration.

    Your work; straight from the heart, pure and honest, with that lovely Sharmon twist, xx


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