
Monday, April 27, 2015

"Flight" Exhibition - Good News

The exhibit at Covingto Arts looked wonderful; curator Saad Ghosn did a great job with placing the work and with the transitions from one artist to another.  The opening reception was well attended, with lots of interesting people to talk to...

Work by Jan Nickum, one of the other artists in the exhibit...

Work by Marsha Karagheusian...

Some of mine...

Unfortunately, the lighting was such that I was unable to get many decent photos of the show. The good news, however, is that two of my pieces sold at the opening!

Lost I - SOLD

Theory of Flight - SOLD

If you're interested in learning more about the exhibit, go here to read an excellent article about it written by Karen S. Chambers for aeqai magazine. It gives good insights into the work of each artist, and some better photos.
Have a great week, everyone!


  1. How exciting. I can see why you sold those two, they are wonderful.

  2. Really beautiful work by all, Congrats on the sales! Well deserved. xoxo

  3. super! Sharmon, i am sure your sold work is going to be enjoyed and loved by the new owners, well done, xx

    1. Thanks so much, Renilde! I love the idea of my work being enjoyed by their new ownwers; it gives me a great feeling of satisfaction.

  4. super! Sharmon, i am sure your sold work is going to be enjoyed and loved by the new owners, well done, xx

  5. Amazing Job Sharmon!

  6. Great work...congratulations. Hope you see many more red stickers.

  7. How wonderful, to be in the show and to sell things! So happy for you!

    1. Thanks, Tammie - I'm quite excited and happy. the opening was lots of fun, too.

  8. Woot! congratulations Sharmon. Great work! And a very nice article, too. YAY!!

    1. Thanks for you enthusiastic compliment, Judy! And thanks, too, for taking time to read the article.

  9. Congrats- those are beautiful pieces.


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