
Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Accordion Book

Just for fun and self- encouragement I made this little accordion book, containing some positive sayings along with the images. I used a piece of Rives BFK printmaking paper which already had a bit of paint on it, and added more drawing and collage elements on top of that...

The front (or back, depending on how you look at it)...

 pages 1 - 3 on the other side... image transfers of Avolkitesvara, and my own photo of the forest...

 pages 4 - 6... some collage bits and a little woodblock print, a drawing of a sprouting seed, and some more image transfers of plant parts... (You can't control what happens, only your own reaction to it.)  (Forgive yourself, mistakes are lessons.)

 pages 7 and 8... image transfer of plant parts, a stamped gold frame and cut out of a lily... (Success is the sum of small efforts repeated day in and day out.)

 pages 9 -11 (the other side)... a combination of acrylic ink painting,drawing, and collage... (You, as much as anyone else, deserve your love and affection.)

pages 12 - 14...acrylic ink painting, collage, woodblock print, drawing, metallic crayon... (What you think, you become.)  (Happiness depends solely on what you think.)

pages 15 and 16... acrylic ink painting, collage, woodblock print, drawing, metallic crayon...

I'm not sure if I'll put covers on it, but probably not, as they would cover up some parts that I really like. Don't know exactly what I'll do with this, but it was fun and therapeutic to make... hope you enjoyed it!


  1. Sharmon--This is so beautiful and so inspiring. You are wonderfully generous to share this. I always am so happy when I get a notice of your blog posts. ~Janet

    1. Janet, what an incredibly sweet thing to say! I'm so glad you enjoy them!

  2. Lovely...stands on its own perfectly!

  3. What a lovely little 'happiness-book' - so full of beautiful words and images.

    1. Thanks, Judy; I made this primarily to inspire myself, when i wasn't feeling very happy. It helped.

  4. oh! this inspires me sharmon! lovely, lovely!

    thank you... : )


    1. Thank you, sweet Lynne, for the lovely compliment! xoxo

  5. I love this... aren't they fun to work on... and so so inspirational... bella!

    1. Thanks so much, Cat! It was fun to work on, and I did it primarily to inspire myself!

  6. It's so inspiring to see your book. I'd love to give it a go.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Jo! You should give it a try, it's really easy and fun!

  7. I'm a fan of accordion books. Yours is lovely.

    1. This is my first accordion book attempt, Jill; I'm glad you enjoyed it!

  8. Beautiful book. I have been thinking of doing books, I can't seem to get started though. xoxo

    1. Thank you, Annie. An accordion book would be a good form to begin with if you want to start making books; it's so easy to do!

  9. Replies
    1. Pamela, I appreciate the kind words. Thanks for stopping by!

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    1. Thank you for your kind words about my blog. I will definitely check out you international directory blogspot!

  11. I love this little book. I keep writing a few words in the comment, and popping back to the images to see more and then back here to write some more. It's wonderful! It's been absolute ages since I've made a book round here. OK, back to look at it Well done you! x

    1. Veronica, this is so sweet of you. Your comment gives me much encouragement, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

  12. such a lovely book, wonderful that you put your forest in it.
    i have tried transfers a couple times with NO success ;-)

    1. Thanks so much, Tammie! Transfers just take a bit of practice, but i only do gel transfers - none of the fancy kinds!

  13. Beautiful book. It's a kind of visual journey!

  14. Beautiful book. It's a kind of visual journey!

    1. Thank you for the compliment. You're right, it does represent a kind of journey for me....

  15. oh I def. enjoyed it.....what a FAB book!

    1. Thank you so much, Cynnie; I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  16. this is a beauty Sharmon, the harmonica form is like representing a journey with ups and downs and something new around every corner,i was especially atracted to page 9-11, the acrylic painting is very beautiful, i was imagining it as a very large canvas.x


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