
Monday, January 12, 2015

Transformation 45

I haven't done any pieces for my long-ongoing "Transformations" series in quite a long while, but was recently inspired to add to it.

Transformation 45

My "Transformations" series is strongly rooted in my deep feelings about the magic of nature, and when I look for words about nature, I often look to one of my heroes and favorite writers, Wendell Berry. I leave you here with some of his wisdom.

“The care of the Earth is our most ancient and most worthy, and after all our most pleasing responsibility. To cherish what remains of it and to foster its renewal is our only hope.”

“It may be that when we no longer know what to do,
we have come to our real work
and when we no longer know which way to go,
we have begun our real journey.

The mind that is not baffled is not employed.
The impeded stream is the one that sings.”

“So, friends, every day do something that won't compute...Give your approval to all you cannot understand...Ask the questions that have no answers. Put your faith in two inches of humus that will build under the trees every thousand years...Laugh. Be joyful though you have considered all the facts....Practice resurrection.”


  1. A clear and beautiful witness to your connection to nature and Wendell Berry's words only echo that sweet connection. Great color and light and shadow here!

    1. Thanks so much for the kind and insight words, Mary Ann! xoxo

  2. when i look at this work i got the feeling i see the photosynthesis at work, at least that was my first thought looking at it.
    i see like cells and sunlight and the formation of colors
    strong composition,very really looks like you enjoyed making it.
    i like your transformations- series a lot Sharmon.

    1. Thank you so much, Renilde.... i love your interpretation with the photosynthesis idea... very much the feeling i was going for...

  3. Ah yes resurrection in the heart of winter-now that is faith. Happy New Year to you!! I saw that in a post or two back you mentioned being on medical leave. I searched back posts to find out what was up- but to no avail. Your art has not suffered- your work and your process continue to inspire me. xoxo Teri

    1. I like what you say about resurrection and faith. I have been on medical leave for severe depression and anxiety, but keep going day by day by faith and will. so nice to hear from you. xoxo

  4. ah sharmon, i don't know which i love more, 'transformation 45' or wendell's words...

    thank you...


    1. Thank you so much, sweet Lynne! Wendell Berry's words are always deeply inspiring to me! xoxox

  5. I can clearly see how you would be inspired from the words of Wendell Berry.
    You created a gorgeous piece, I love it.

    1. Margie, your kind words are more appreciated than you could know. Thank you! xox

  6. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. xoxo

  7. Transformation 45 looks like a birth of a flower . . . and Wendell Berry's words are the perfect partner. Beautiful piece and a beautiful post.

  8. "birth of a flower" is a lovely description, Judy... thanks so much for your thoughtful comment... xox

  9. Beautiful piece, it reminds me of butterfly wings.

  10. What a beautiful palette you've used for your "Transformation 45" piece - and I just love the ethereal layers of pattern... The words you've shared are equally beautiful, inspiring & thought-provoking.


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