
Friday, December 26, 2014

Weekly Quick Collage: Touch

collage on board, 5 x 5 inches

Art is giving yourself permission to translate life. Exactly the way you feel. See. And hear it. Be the artist you are. Give yourself permission to speak your own language.    ~  Nayyirah Waheed

It takes courage to follow your fascinations, wherever they may lead. Yet, creativity demands that you trust and stay on the path despite obstacles.
~ Gail McMeeken

Life has an inside as well as an outside. Consumer culture directs all resources and attention to life on the outside. What happens to the inner life? Art is never a luxury because it stimulates and responds to the inner life. We are badly out of balance.

I don't think of art / creativity as a substitute for anything else. I see it as a powerful expression of our humanity - and on the side of humanity under threat.

If we say art is a luxury, we might as well say that being human is a luxury.
~ Jeanette Winterson


  1. the sensitivity of touch, the wonder of our hands

  2. I like and believe and actually live in the art making frame of mind so these quotes are like old friends ... a choice I made years ago ... thank you! Lovely collage!

    1. Art is so important, as is the frame of mind that allows our creative juices to flow... Thanks, Mary Ann!

  3. Wonderful words...and image. Thank you.

  4. Wow ... Love the quotes! Great little collage too :)

    1. Shel, I'm so glad you enjoyed the quotes, and the collage - Thanks!

  5. Beautiful as always and I love the quotes and totally agree! Happy New year, xoxo

  6. Really love the composition! :-) Also enjoyed reading the quotes. Here's to an Art filled 2015! All the best!

    1. Shelby, thanks so much for visiting, and for the kind words! And a creative 2015 to you as well!

  7. I love this kind of straight-on collage. It looks so simple, and I suppose it is, yet there is such skill to make manifest a beautiful outcome like this!

    1. Thank you, Rose, for the kind words. I found collage like this to be difficult at first, but am getting better at it as I practice more and more. Thanks for visiting!

  8. Oh, I love this one!
    Awesome work


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