
Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Seed Stories V and VI

I mentioned before in a couple of posts that my three miniature pieces from a traveling exhibit called Tripletta were sold, and that I was working on pieces to replace them. You would think that making something 2.5 by 3.5 inches would be easy, but apparently it is not, at least for me. I'm having a hard time getting inspired to make more pieces on the Seed Story theme, which my original pieces were based on. I suppose it's not strictly necessary that I continue that theme, so I made some pieces that I call Prayer Flags (here, here, and here), which I may send to the show. But I'm also trying out some Seed Story pieces, just to see which I like best.

So here are a couple of new Seed Story pieces. See what you think:

Seed Story V

Seed Story VI

All of these pieces are monotypes with mixed media, by the way. So, what do you think? Do you like these better than the Prayer Flags? Thanks in advance for your opinion/help!


  1. wow sharmon, these seem utter perfection to me. eye pleasing in every way...

    people think that small is easy... i disagree. : )


  2. Thanks, Lynne, I really appreciate it! You're right; small is difficult. I think it's because with so little space, you have to pare everything down to the essentials... xoxo

  3. I found small very challenging. This first piece is perfection and it's lovely companion. You have done well with this subject!

    1. Thanks, Mary Ann. Small is challenging, at least for me. I still have to come up with one more for the exhibit!

  4. I like the seeds. They are a hot topic these days. Who owns the worlds seed...more and more it is a few corporations. They are even pushing copyrights on some seeds.

    1. Thanks for weighing in, Jill. You're right, seeds are definitely a hot topic, what with Monsanto trying to get ownership of all of them. Glad you like the pieces!

  5. I love your prayer flags - but these seed stories are just perfection! You have made small look easy -)

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Judy. I find these little pieces difficult, so I really appreciate what you said about making it look easy!

  6. While I admire your work whatever the theme, I do lean towards the seed series. Perhaps it is the more 'sculptural' look. I find them very pleasing.

    1. Thanks, Jo, for being kind enough to share your opinion with me! :)

  7. i also find small challenging
    these are beautiful, the colors and texture, leaves and stitching
    i love looking at them

  8. oh we so love to give our opinions!! I agree that small is often harder than larger pieces (as long as we don't get to large :)

    I do love these new seed pieces. They have a warmth and complexity of vintage tapestries to me. They are beautiful. I think they will be snapped up in a minute.

    1. Carole, thank you for sharing your opinion with me; thanks also for the kind words about the pieces.

  9. There is a depth to the seed pieces that I really like. My favorite is the first one. I love your added stitch work in these. Enjoyed the walk in the woods photos too. I am so drawn to the woods.

    1. Lisa, thanks so much for weighing in with your opinion; i really appreciate it. So glad you liked the walk in the woods, too!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.