
Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Flight Talismans

This one just came together without much planning at all; in fact, when I started it, I wasn't even sure of the subject matter. I just started building layers of collage and symbols, then suddenly made a decision to draw/embroider a wing on it, and it's meaning became clearer from there.

Flight Talismans       21.75 x 8 inches
ingredients: vintage book cover, vintage maps and book pages, image transfers, woodblock print on cloth, stitching, feathers, brass wire, bone, glass, beads, found objects, stick     

I apologize for the quality of the photo, as I had to lay the piece atop 2 bricks because of the stick sticking out beyond the edges of the book cover. I will have to take a photo later with a nice black background, but didn't want to take the trouble to set that up right now.

Here are a couple of details; if you want to see more close-ups, go to my last post.

Thanks for looking, everyone, and have a great week!  


  1. in the zone most definitely and you know the wing and feathers speak my language...

    1. Yes, I'm definitely speaking your language here, Cat! Maybe we should do a show together! :) Thanks for visiting!

  2. One of my favorites, a real visual study... beautiful!

    1. Thanks, Mary Ann! It is a study, in a way, and I enjoyed exploring different ways to express a concept. Glad you stopped by! xo

  3. Beautiful dear Sharmon! I do hope you will participate in the Gratitude Quilt this year… instructions at the top of my blog:-)

    1. Thank you, sweet Laura; and of course I would love to!

  4. Am loving the depth of imagery here Sharmon.

    1. Jo, I appreciate the kind words; so glad you like it!

  5. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mo; that means a lot coming from you. you inspire me with all your talismans!

  6. Sharmon, LOVE this one so much. I never know what I am doing until I am done :-). xoxo

  7. Thank you, Annie! I usually have some kind of general idea what I'm going to do, but with this one I didn't. I like how it turned out, though, so maybe I should trying working that way again soon!


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.