
Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Weekly Quick Collage: Passage of Time + Radioactive

Passage of Time

My favorite things in life don't cost any money. It's really clear that the most precious resource we all have is time.
~ Steve Jobs

Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less.
~ Marie Curie

I wanted to take this opportunity to share a wonderful book with you.  Lauren Redniss has written and illustrated a book about the lives of Marie  and Pierre Curie, called  RadioactiveThe book is beautifully illustrated throughout. Many of the illustrations are cyanotypes ; this photographic printmaking process produces moody, deep blue  images that I think are just mesmerizing, and Redniss's gorgeously sensitive line drawings are equally enthralling.            .

If you look on Amazon, you can see more of the book's illustrations. Check it out!

Here is Lauren Redniss's Ted Talk, where she speaks about developing the book:


  1. Nice post, and I really like your collage Sharmon.

  2. Your collage is really interesting and made me think of the Museum of Natural History in NYC.

    The book you shared by Redniss also looks interesting. I've added it to my wish list. Thanks for the info!

    1. Lisa, so glad you stopped by! I'm glad you liked the collage. You will really enjoy the book when you get it; it's one of my favorites!

  3. I could stare at this collage for hours -- so much depth. The Radioactive book looks interesting . . .

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Judy. The book is really cool; I think you would enjoy her drawings.

  4. Sharmon, Love your collage, I will come back and check out this video. xoxo

    1. Glad you like it Annie! Yes, do check it out, you would probably find the book interesting.

    2. Sharmon, Loved the video and adore the drawings, thanks for sharing this. xoxo


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