
Saturday, September 20, 2014

Studio Table

The incomparable Seth Apter of the The Altered Page has challenged us to reveal the truth, and I have accepted the challenge. In Seth's words, "Let's go behind the curtain, throw any feelings of shame out the window, and show the world the underside of art and craft. I'll show you mine if you show me yours!"

Embarrassing as it is, here are photos of my art table in all its messy glory, just as it happened to be on this 20th day of September, 2014. Was I tempted to clean it up, just a bit? Yes, I was. But I left it as it really was, and snapped a few shots to share with you.

Yes, this is where I actually work, in the middle of all this chaos. And I do, pretty much, know where everything is, which surprises me as much as it probably does you.

And, as Seth noted in his own reveal, when we run out of room on the table, the mess tends to spread onto the floor...

For links to over a hundred (and counting) other artists' studio table views, head over to The Altered Page, Studio Table Reveal.  I just love seeing the reality of other artists' messes! Am I some weird kind of voyeur, or does it just make me feel less guilty about my own?  Whichever, it's great fun!


  1. And what a fine mess this is! Actually I can see the logic in your layout and it looks like a good fit ... just slide in and this to the left and this to the right! Happy art making!

    1. Yes, we all have to work with the space we've got, don't we? Thanks for visiting, Mary Ann!

  2. I think your mess looks pretty neat, mine does too at the moment, only because I have animals and I have to clean up, so they don't get into trouble. Looking at all the messes does make me feel more normal :-). xoxo

    1. Hi, Annie - I know what you mean about the messes making you feel more normal! i have 3 dogs, myself, so I try not to let anything too important lay around on the floor! xoxo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Oops....can't spell. I meant to say comparatively organised, Sharmon, but definitely a 'work' space

    1. Comparatively to what?? LOL Seems like pretty much a mess to me...

    2. Compared to mine. It seems the more space you have the more mess you make.

  5. I really love to see people’s work spaces and art supplies! Your table sure makes me want to sit down and create! Thanks for the sneak peak.

    1. I'm glad it makes you want to create; sometimes it makes me want to hire a maid! :~)

  6. ta table est joliment rangé tu savais, chez moi! en ce moment je rentre de vacances et je commence mardi à ensuite je mets une photo sur mon blog, pour satisfaire ta curiosité :))))))))

  7. Love your collage work! Thanks much for sharing your work space with us! :)

    1. So glad you like the work, and the space! Thanks for visiting!

  8. Your space is so filled with creativity - and love that you continue right on the floor when your table is filled!

    1. Well, it seems it would be a shame to waste all that extra space!

  9. Love the peek into your space, looks like a fun creative place to hang out. . . . and I know all about utilizing floor space. :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Kathryn! It is my creative spot, and the room where I spend by far the most time...

  10. I enjoyed seeing your work table and art space.
    I have the same kind of table as you. I got it so I could stand when I work. I wish I could say that I knew where everything was on my table. I always end up having a pen or supply hiding under something on the work space:)

    Love that Buddha collage in an earlier post!

    1. Juana, I may not know exactly where everything is ALL the time, but I can usually locate it fairly quickly. My table is an antique, given to me by my grandfather, and has a story behind it... I hope you enjoy yours as much as I do mine!

  11. Ah, the joys of having hard wood floors over carpeting. Personally, I think your work space looks quite well organized. Messy and organized are two different animals, so I'm going with organized (grin). Thanks for your visit earlier in the week.

    1. Well, thanks for giving me the benefit of the doubt on the organization question. :) Sometimes, though, I feel it's completely out of control!


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