
Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Prayer Flags

For the past few months, I have had three pieces in a traveling art exhibit called Tripletta, a show of miniature works of art. It is now in its third venue, and at the opening a couple of weeks ago, all three of my pieces sold. This is fantastic news, of course. The only problem, which really is not a problem, is that I now have to replace those pieces, since the exhibit is scheduled to go on to other venues. (To see two of them, go here and here; unfortunately, I never had a chance to photograph the third.)

The reason it's not a problem is that I love to make art. In fact, I've started a series of little monotype/collages that I call Prayer Flags. The only problem is that I'm not sure I like them enough to put them in the exhibit; I keep thinking that maybe I should continue with the Seed Story theme instead.

Prayer Flag I

Prayer Flag II

What do you think? Should I go with these, or try to do more Seed Stories?


  1. Congratulations on you work being sold.I think you should do more of The Seed Story.

    1. Thank you Maya; I value your advice and appreciate your willingness to share it!

  2. Congrats on the sales. I love these prayer flags -- and would use them to give yourself some time to make more in the seed series. Cause I'm thinking the prayer flags will probably sell on opening night too! Beautiful work!

    1. Thank you, Judy, for all the kind words! I hope you're right about the next set selling as well!

  3. wonderful that you sold your pieces
    these are beautiful
    i looked at the seed pieces as well
    i love how you included stitching in them as well

  4. Sharmon, Congrats on the sales!!! May you have many more! I think these flag pieces are lovely, but if I had to choose I like the seed stories the best, but really only you can decide. I am sure which ever way you go, you will be fine. xoxo


Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I'm happy to reply here, but may not always have time for individual emails.