
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Where have I been? The Dali Museum

While I was on vacation, I visited the Dali Museum in St. Petersburg, Florida, which houses the largest collection of Dali's works outside Europe. The building itself was quite amazing.

 Looking down at the cafe from atop the spiral staircase...

Looking out...

Looking up...

 They had an exhibit about illusion which was really interesting; it explained why close up this is a painting of Dali's wife Gala...

... but from far away it's the face of Abraham Lincoln...

...and why this painting on the floor looks like a skull when reflected in the curved column.

Look carefully at the sculpture... (click to enlarge)...

The museum has 7 of Dali's 18 masterworks. I had no idea these paintings were so huge; you could stand in front of one all day and still not see everything that's in it.

I can't even explain to you how much is lost in reproductions of these pieces - just the colors alone show nothing of the depth and shading of the originals...

I was in awe. If you're anywhere near the Tampa/St. Petersburg area, the museum is well worth seeing.

I couldn't resist including these photos of Dali - such a character!

addendum:  I can't believe I forgot to mention that Dali and I share a birthday, May 11. Make of that what you will. 


  1. Sharmon, fun and interesting post, thank you for sharing with us. xoxo

    1. You're quite welcome, Annie; I'm glad you enjoyed it! xoxo

  2. Thank you for this virtual tour, Sharmon - I have admired and been inspired by Dali's art since I was a kid in middle school, but have seen very little in person. Hope to get down to see this museum some time!
    Happy week to you, sus
    ps - drawing challenge is at my place this week, if you would like to join in...

    1. Sus, you would be floored by seeing it in person, it's so different from the reproductions. Well worth seeing if you're in that area. Happy week to you, as well!

  3. Hi Sharmon, Susan sent me to you. She thought I'd enjoy your post because I've just been in Prague at the Dali exhibit there. What a character he must have been! You know when people sometimes ask something like, "who would you like to have lunch with, alive or dead?" I'm tempted to say Dali. I hope I capture a tiny fraction of his humour and mastery in my art. :)

    1. Thanks for visiting, Veronica! I would love to see the exhibit in Prague. Have you ever been to the museum in St. Petersburg? I think you'd enjoy it. He would definitely be a fun choice for a lunch companion!

    2. I've never really explored Florida. Only been to Miami briefly on my way to the Bahamas or someplace. So many places I have to explore! :)

  4. Wow, indeed; the museum is quite impressive! Thanks for stopping by, Mo.

  5. hi Shannon what a great post. Dali is one of my favorites and i have had the opportunity to see many of his works live while in various museums in europe . . . but i would love to see the museum in florida. we will be visiting there in the Fall . . . hopefully i can make it there.

    and about your matching birth dates . . . not sure what that means, maybe it means that people born on May 11th are very creative . . . yes, i am sure that what it means . . .

    1. Thanks, Rebecca; I'm glad you enjoyed the post. If you make it to the Dali Museum, I'm sure you won't be sorry - it's pretty amazing. I like your take on the birthday thing, too!

  6. magnifique museum! j'ai visité deux fois le musée dali à figueres en espagne, il me plairait de voir celui-ci!

    1. Yes, it's a wonderful museum; I hope you get to see it someday.

  7. So impressive! I really had no idea...just a vague inkling...about the magnitude and complexity of his work.

    1. It really was an eye-opening experience for me, Lynne!

  8. That will have to be on my 'bucket list'. Absolutely inspiring.

    1. If you like surrealism or Dali, it's well worth seeing. It really was inspiring.


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