
Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Weekly Quick Collage: Entradas

Again, all the materials came from the mess on my work table.

ingredients: vintage map, notebook page, ledger page, school writing tablet page, and book pages; vintage lace; magazine cutout

I wanted to share this song by Jason Isbell, my new favorite singer-songwriter. Take a listen, if you're interested; his lyric are pure poetry.

Hope you enjoy!

p.s. Thanks to a comment on the last post, I figured out what was bothering me about Pink Dress, and took a stab at fixing it. Thanks to Jo Murray for noticing that the bright new swirl was out of place with the vintage papers. I really do appreciate constructive criticism, because it can help us immensely, if our aim is to become better artists. I sometimes wish we bloggers could do more of this, as it's nice to have another critical eye on your work besides your own.  So, I covered the swirl with part of an old bible page, and added some stamps, and I like it much better now. See what you think:

Pink Dress


  1. Hi there Sharmon - I just caught up with your latest postings, and want to congratulate you on your recent accomplishments. Super!
    I love these weekly collages, and the parameters you have set yourself. You inspire, as always!

    1. Sus, thank you for the very kind comments. I'm hoping I'll be able to stay within the parameters I set for myself; we'll see! So glad you could stop by!

  2. Thanks for linking me Sharmon. I'm glad you made that slight well.

  3. PS: Your singer makes me think of a young Bob Dylan.

    1. Thanks for lending me your critical eye, Jo! And yes, there is something Dylan-ish about him... I think it's the lyrics.

  4. Well, from the mess on your table you created something quite lovely.
    I love that song .... wonderful voice ...

    1. Thanks, Margie, I'm glad you like the collage. He does have a great voice, doesn't he?

  5. ha ha! i loved that swirl!!

    love 'entradas'...


    1. Thanks, Lynne! I loved the swirl too; I just think it wasn't right for the rest of the piece... xo

  6. The artist always has the last word. In this case I understand you might like the squares repeated on both sides of the dress. Adding the little black circles ties it all together. I think if an artist asks for feedback ... others enjoy putting their ideas forward.
    Thanks for the music too!

    1. You're right, Mary Ann, I should just ask for feedback more often. I do enjoy hearing what others think and benefiting from their expertise. Glad you enjoyed Jason Isbell!

  7. Sharmon,

    That swirl did not bother me until you removed it :-), it does work better without.
    The new collage is perfect.
    I had two friends fix a problem for me the other day, I think I would have got there, but perhaps a few months down the line, we need help sometimes as we are so close to the work.

  8. Thank you for the kind comment, Annie. I completely agree that we are too close to the work, so that we sometimes don't notice the obvious. Personally, I'll take all the help I can get! :-) xoxo

  9. You make it look so easy. Good for you asking for suggestions.Sorry I have been away for so long. Your work is really looking wonderful. xo Teri

    1. Thanks for the good words, Teri; it's so nice to hear from you again! xo


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