
Thursday, May 15, 2014


BLUE is...

 the James River in Richmond, Virginia on this particular day in October...

 The clear sky on a fall day at Shabo Mekaw...

The cystalline water of a Rocky Mountain lake reflecting the beautiful azure sky...

Don't Forget to Breathe...

 One of my favorite early spring flowers,

the tiny and delicate bluet...

and last but not least, this Rocky Mountain beauty...

Please visit the blogs of Jennifer Coyne Qudeen and Julie Booth, our wonderful 'Searching for RoyGBiv' hostesses, for links to lots more blue!


  1. Such a nice selection of blues! The sky is a beautiful backdrop to those autumn trees - what a great viewing angle - and I love Don't Forget to Breathe...

  2. Hi Sharmon- Enjoyed all the different blue "perspectives". Thanks for joining in again this month.

    1. Thanks, Julie, and I appreciate the opportunity to participate in the Search for RoyGBiv; it's been lots of fun so far!

  3. The bluet is something I would love to have growing wild in my garden. So pretty. Never seen this flower before.

    1. Maya, the bluet is a wild flower that I have only seen in Lewis County, Kentucky. I'm sure it must grow in other places, but I don't think it's too common, as I've never seen it in northern Kentucky where I live, or in Ohio where I grew up. It's one of the few really blue flowers I've seen.

  4. Its a hot day here and boy oh boy would I like to step into your James River! Great blue finds!

    1. Mary Ann, the James River is far east of us, in Virginia - really beautiful and wild, though.

  5. Christoper Moore's novel, "Sacre` Bleu", is about art and artists, but its central theme is the "sacred" color blue. Originally, the color was derived from crushed Lapis Lazuli gems and it was very, very expensive. P.S. I recognize the bluets, Sharmon, and can guess where you find them.

    1. Ken, I will definitely have to read "Sacre Bleu". I remember from art history class that blue was seen as sacred, which is why the Virgin Mary was usually depicted in blue, and that the pigment came from lapis... Of course you would recognize the bluets - they are still there!

  6. awesome blues and love the stitches across the zipper, just wonderful...

  7. Beautiful blues - and I just love your 'Don't forget to breathe'.

  8. Thanks for sharing these gorgeous photos. Your 'Breathe' piece is so complex and cohesive and it's exactly what I needed to see this morning.

    1. Thanks for the kind words, Patti; I'm glad you liked the photos. The piece is something I did during a time when I was having constant anxiety attacks, and would literally find myself holding my breath, so it has a lot of personal meaning for me.

  9. my favorite color, and what gorgeous versions of it!

  10. Beautiful, stunning photos. xoxo


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